Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

7:34:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a family day of gratitude. I'm going to take the rest of the week "off" and spend time with my family, sew (of course), get my Christmas tree up, and play catch-up. I'll be back Monday. (don't you love the dishes in this vintage card!)


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'Tis the Season for Getting?

9:17:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

I have so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving. I have wonderful family and friends both near and far. Watching the news gives you the feeling that everything is wrong. But it is our challenge to move away from fear and worry, have faith and do the best we can as we care for each other. I owe a "ginormous" ;-) thank you everyone of my friends and a special thank you to several of them that are dear to me. Every day comments and interaction from

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Quilter's Haven, Bountiful Utah

7:45:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

Saturday we went to visit one of my daughters that lives north of us in Bountiful, Utah. Not even 5 minutes away from her house is one of the nicest quilt stores in our area - Quilter's Haven. The store is light and bright and their displays are really fabulous. The fabric selection is great, too.

Wouldn't you know I forgot my camera! I did have my phone so I used that to take some pictures. Not the best- but it was my phone or nothing.
I love this apple

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Christmas Ornaments

7:32:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 50 comments

When I was 17 my parents moved from Pennsylvania to Utah. There was not enough room in the moving truck for a few boxes. Left behind were our very vintage Christmas ornaments and my old toys. I've mourned those things and think about them every Christmas. Over the years I've replaced some of the toys but I've yet to replace the ornaments. Maybe someday.

This year I decided to decorate our tree simply with plain Christmas balls and fabric ornaments.
Over the weekend I started making the new ornaments. I

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Fun Fabric Friday and Cottage Quilts

8:53:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

I know, I know, I haven't blogged in a few days. Isn't it awful when your life gets in the way of your hobby? So terrible.
Tricia, a local gal, great quilter and sweet new friend wins the prize for "First Christmas Cottage Quilt Completely Finished"! (unless there is one of you that has kept quiet about yours?). Tricia had it quilted by a woman that quilts for me too, from time to time. It is quilted in candy kisses. I love the flying geese trees and the

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Thankful Tuesday

7:36:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

Yesterday I was asked if my cottages are the first to be sewn together. Nope. I think others may be as far along as me. Except for Kathy at Creative Urges! Go over and see her quilt top all put together. She did such a great job putting all the cottages together and making a cohesive quilt. It is just lovely. Each one seems to be floating in a cloud almost. I love it.

It was a very nice mail day for me yesterday.Carrie sent me a sweet and

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First Christmas Cottage Quilt

7:38:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 37 comments

Notice this post says "first" cottage quilt. I have enough blocks to easily make 3. And I'm not complaining! I know the angle of this picture is not optimal but this is a work-in-progress picture. I added the tree fabric (Michael Miller) in a random block pattern to each row to break up the cottages a little. But now I can't figure out what I want to do for a border.I think I may do a one fabric border for this one. I want to save the rest

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Fabulous Fabric Friday Kits

3:42:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

The best part of making kits is putting fabrics together. It is always fun to mix and match colors and patterns. Today I spent some time putting strips of fabrics together for bag kits to take to the Moonlight Madness event at American Quilting in Orem Utah. I'm nearly ready to go. I am bringing several quilts to do a mini trunk show along with the bag demonstration.
Kit 1
Kit 2
Kit 3
Kit 4
Kit 5
Kit 6
Kit 7
Kit 8
Kit 9
Kit 10
Kit 11

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