I don't know what my problem is lately with the slide shows but I absolutely cannot get them to work. So I've just loaded my pics of Mary's Trunk Show the regular way. I was going to say old fashioned way but nothing about a blog is old fashioned.
Mary of Mary's Cottage Quilts is a local and national quilt designer. Mary has a website and a blog. I met Mary once before. She's a delight and I really love her quilts. Mary's background is in graphic design
What is your favorite fruit? I have a hard time choosing. I love raspberries, strawberries, pineapple and chocolate (of course, isn't that a fruit?ha). However, I really think peaches are my very favorite of all.And it is peach season at the Hive. We have a little orchard at our house with several peach trees. We learned years ago that Red Haven variety are the sweetest, hold up best when bottled or dried, and are easy to peel and fun to eat. My question is why does peach season
I've been avoiding looking at the calendar lately hoping that the days will stop ticking by for the summer and that I'll stall the upcoming wedding. Well. It doesn't work. Last night I was sewing away on my diamonds and my phone rang. It was my friend Laura wondering where I was. I was completely baffled. She was sitting at the Alpine Quilt group waiting for me. WHAAAT? How did I miss that it was the last Tuesday of the month! I had figured that next Tuesday was
This is slow going girls. Slower than I'm used to. You're going to get sick of my progress by the time I get all 8 points completed, put together, bordered and quilted. I'm just warning you.
I'm mostly satisfied with how it is turning out. And I'm unpicking less in this 2nd group of diamonds.
Pinning right where I need to stitch has helped me. It helps to stick the pin right into the existing stitching lines and checking both sides to make sure the seams are where they need
Natalie you aren't supposed to read this post. Stop right there.
I really knew better than to start a diamond quilt project when I've never done one before. Not now. Not when I'm so busy with so many things. I remember Terri talking about her diamonds more than a year ago. And I thought "I'm not doing one of those - ever!" Ha. So I know diamonds are tricky.
I really knew better but when I saw this Lone Star quilt above at Alpine Days this month I was