September Alpine Quilt Night

5:51:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 36 comments

It is October! Can you believe it? Wedding in 10 days. Baby in ? days. And then before we know it - Halloween. Let's change the subject, please.Tuesday night was Celebrate the 30s at our quilt group. Here is the lovely and fashionable Paula all decked out for our fun time. This dress was her grandmother's. Paula's grandmother passed away at age 46. The dress was made but not hemmed before she died. So Paula finished it and kept it. Beautiful isn't it. This post will showcase our

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Texture Magic Roof and Pattern Tester Success!

9:08:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 29 comments

The first time I used Texture Magic was a while ago and I didn't understand the shrink ratio so I kind of messed up and my little idea failed because of inexperience and poor planning. But since then I've listened to Nedra talk about Texture Magic and actually read the instructions (shocking, I know). So my 2nd go at Texture Magic was fun. I'm making up another sample quilt of my "Kettles in the Kitchen" quilt. and wanted to see what Texture Magic would do for the roof

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Fabulous Fabric Friday

8:18:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

It's Friday. And I do have some fun Japanese fabric to show today. I am helping Flora with our Celebrate 30's night at our Alpine Quilt Group on Tuesday and I'm going to take a couple of the 30s repros to show. So below is a mix of 30's and others.This light green in feed sack logo print is really fun. I love words on fabric and this one is exciting because it has so much packed into one print.
Along with collecting kitchen novelty fabrics but I also

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Girl's Lunch

8:08:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

For some reason Blogger isn't cooperating with me and won't let me change the arrangement of my photos.
So here we are from our lunch last Friday. Me, Lori, Nedra and Kim. We had a really sweet time together talking, looking at quilt books (see middle of table) and thinking about planning a retreat together next spring. It was really fun. I need to do this more often!
I wanted to make something fun to give the girls at lunch. I used some old fashioned candy to fill a

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Birthday and Showers

8:15:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 40 comments

Today Jamie is 19. Can you guess which daughter she is? Hint - not the pregnant one. Jamie is a funny kid. Those of you that know her understand that she is 19 going on 5.
Left to right: Jamie, Whitney and Laurie. This was taken at Natalie's shower on Saturday. Between now and Halloween 5 of my 8 kids have birthdays. Ridiculous. I know. But today is Jamie's day. Jamie is not a quilter and I really don't see that in her future. Ever. She's a sporty

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