Happy Thanksgiving

8:39:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

Here is my cutting table piled high with table runners all prepped and ready for me to machine quilt. I think I'll be working with pebble quilting - maybe. So you can see I have my work cut out for me.

It is a busy week. Cleaning, cooking, eating, playing bingo with family and having a good time with some work thrown in. And then Friday and Saturday are busy with a big (uninteresting) project. So like you, my week is full. So I'm taking a tiny blog nap

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Whitney's After Baby Shower

8:04:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

Saturday was a baby shower for Whitney and Allison at our house. We decided to wait until after Alli was born to shower her with fun and wonderful gifts. This way family and friends were able to pass her around during the shower, too. I made this little banner for the nursery.
This little sheep is covered in Minkee and is from Justin and Natalie. I love this picture.
Here is Whitney opening the fabulous gifts for baby Allison. I can't believe the cute stuff! They never had baby clothes

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Jodi's Pinwheels for Christmas

7:54:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

Whew! what a busy weekend. As the seasons are upon us for Thanksgiving and then quickly Christmas, our schedules get packed tighter and tighter. I know you are with me on this. Of course it is good and keeps us pacing ourselves to stay up to date with friends both online and off.
It is so nice to go to my computer and come away with brilliant ideas from so many of you to help get me through the holidays and other events. Reminds me of the Beatles song:

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Fabulous Fabric Friday - What's in the Bag

8:05:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 24 comments

Today's Fabric Friday shows what was in my shopping bag when I spent my afternoon with Lori.
Neither of us spent much $, but that wasn't the point. The point was looking at fabrics and patterns together and enjoying the afternoon.
I bought a fat quarter of the Sherri Berry fabric on the left. I really like all those fabrics in that line. And also a whimsical fat quarter of birds, trees and Christmas joy. Delightful.
These 3 fat quarters Lori and I both purchased. The green on the right is

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Afternoon with Lori

7:58:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 29 comments

Lori Holt, local quilt designer and girl about town, and I had a fun afternoon together last week. From the moment we start talking til the time to say goodbye we laugh. We have so much in common and have such a fun time together I wish you could all be with us. You'd have a ball.
My photo of Lori and I together was totally blurry so I had to swipe this from Lori's blog. Not our best pose but don't let that fool you. We were having

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Catching up . . .(as if that is possible)

8:10:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

Friday my dish cloth tutorial was on Sew Mama Sew Blog for the Clean and Tidy Day tutorial day. November is tutorial month with so many good ideas for Christmas on Sew Mama Sew. If you haven't been following this event, it is worth your time see what they are showing.

Because I don't have my weekend photos loaded I thought I would swipe some photos from friends for today's quick post. First I will tell you I'm one of the most forgetful people. If you have sent me

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Fast Fabric Friday

8:38:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

I've got full day ahead of me and couldn't find the camera yesterday to post ahead. So I'll zoom through.
I've had this feedsack piece for several years. I love the whimsical birds, the colors and how the birds are positioned on the rough weave of the feedsack. I show this photo so you can see the slightly frayed feedsack edge. I also have this feedsack in a pastel colorway.
I have cut into it a bit (you can see through the fabric) fussy cutting the birds for different

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8:43:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 36 comments

Oh I love a good finish. It is so satisfying to lay out your work in front of you and sit back to admire.
In this case most of this wasn't my work but I did have the chance to finish this project and put it together. It is more scrappy than my sister would have chosen to finish this quilt off so I hope she will like it. The blocks came together well and it is just a fun little quilt.
I have the binding machine sewn to

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