The Sweet and the Not so Sweet

8:08:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

I really don't know how I deserve such generous and kind friends. I am richer in so many ways from knowing women that share the same hobby and like doing the things I like, too. My friends from all over the world are so generous to me with comments and encouragement and occasionally sweet treats that my family (and I) marvel at!
Jane has been a good friend for a long time and she is as generous and nice as they come. How did she know I was out

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Pre Spring Changes

8:08:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

I worked really hard this past weekend on several things but I can't blog about any of them! Yet. I'm continuing to work on projects that will be at the May International Quilt Market so I don't have new things to show this week. But, spring is coming so we did a little changing of the quilts at my house. So be warned. . . repeats below.
I put up a "Kettles in the Kitchen" wall size quilt up in my sewing room. After buying giant sized strawberries at

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Fabric Friday and surprise - no red!

8:08:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 29 comments

Sew Mama Sew occasionally has designer packs with fabric picked from their cast of Board Members (speaking of board members Jacquie recently was added to their board, congrats Jacquie). Their latest designer pack features Rashida Coleman-Hale of I Heart Linen. Rashida's blog was one of the first few I started to read 4 plus years ago. And her book "I Love Patchwork" is fabulous.
These fabrics are a mix of patterns and designs from several manufacturers and lines but mixed together and picked out by Rashida. I appreciate mixing

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Jelly Roll Sampler

8:11:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 32 comments

I met Konda of Moose on the Porch Quilts last year at the Bryce Canyon retreat. Konda and I were both teaching classes and very busy but had a few moments to mingle. I really enjoyed her trunk show and hearing about her journey in becoming a quilt designer and book author. She's impressive. Because of pregnancy Konda didn't come to Bryce this year and I missed her! You can see her wonderful books here.
Konda is hosting the Jelly Roll Quilt Along and asked me to join

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8:11:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

There are 3 projects I'm working on right now that I can't show you. Of course eventually you will get sick of hearing about them. Little bits of 2 of the 3 projects are below.
This is tiny piece of an idea for a quilt that is just at the mock up phase, but it may be published, we'll see.
This is part of a project that may just show up at Quilt Market this spring.
More of that same project. Yikes, my applique doesn't that great at this close range.


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Fabric Friday - Fabric and Gifts from Friends

8:22:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 36 comments

Last Saturday was lunch with the girls at "Food For Thought" in Draper, Utah. A mom and pop place with a delicious (healthyish) from scratch menu.
It was really fun to see everyone and catch up. Left to right are Rae Ann, Nedra, Kim and Lori.
We really have a guilty pleasure habit going on where we exchange gifts when we meet together. It is fun and I always come away feeling kind of giddy and silly with pleasure from the fun and treats. Here are some of our

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Going to Market Flimsy Finish

9:56:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 44 comments

Last weekend I was able to have some solid sewing time and work on my basket quilt.

I saved the little baskets to work on last and they went together so fast and were so fun. It was definitely the way to go for me, saving the best for last.
Sometimes sewing pieces together to finish a quilt can be tedious, but not this quilt. I had a great time piecing the parts together. Maybe because it wasn't row by row but the baskets are put together in units and

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Quilt Walk Quilting Retreat 2010

7:55:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 37 comments

Now that things are settling back a bit to normal at the hive (well, what is normal?), I'm excited to talk about another quilt retreat occurring June 9-11 in Panguitch, Utah. It is called The Quilt Walk Festival. And you can read all about it here. The quilt walk has quite a history and a reason behind the name. I've only been once before but this year I'll be teaching along with some other amazing ladies like my friends Nedra, Brenda, Konda, Leslie & Norma, Joyce, Bonnie, Emily,

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Fabric Friday Cherry Celebration

9:31:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 35 comments

I love cherries. Don't you? There is something so sweet and pretty about a cherry. Not to mention delicious. Healthy, too.
My sweet friend Nan (yes we share the same name!) sent me a little cherry surprise yesterday. She's so kind to me. Nan is thoughtful and a writer, chef and quilter. How great is that. Well not only do I have the great fabric but gourmet cherry chocolates and maraschino cherries, too. Thank you so much Nan!
Nan said she thought of me when she saw the bundle of

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I will Not fall behind I will Not fall behind

8:17:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 35 comments

I'm making the block of the month quilt-a-long with our Alpine Group. The quilt is designed by Jina Barney. And I'm really having fun with it. Last year I got behind in our 2009 project and I won't let that happen this year. No matter what I'm keeping pace with Jina.
You can find the pattern for this month's block at Jina's website here. This month being March, Jina designed a pinwheel block to add to our progress. I love being able to making the blocks and sewing

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