Mini Vacation in southern Utah

7:28:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

Blogging is the answer to yesterday's vacation slides. So sit back and take just a couple minutes to be my captive audience to a few vacation moments from last week.
We visited family near St. George, Utah. I'm an eastern city girl type but even I think this scene from the side of the road was impressive.
We had the best pizza that I've tasted since moving to Utah. And go figure - it was out of a wood fired pizza stove sitting in a trailer in a cinema parking

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I'm Baaack (well, mostly)

7:20:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 39 comments

I feel like I've lost a month and really I have. I've missed being creative and missed finding out what is going on in the world of quilting, blogging and creating. I've missed each of you, my friends. So I'm back, mostly. Mostly meaning I'm going to take it easy since I'm still working on feeling 100%. Again, thank you so much for your sweet notes of encouragement and get well wishes. Each one is like a little get well card.
I thought today I'd show you these snap

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Heading South

10:58:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 29 comments

Thank you everyone for your kind and thoughtful comments. I have the sweetest friends. I won't answer you each individually but know your get well wishes mean so much to me. I'm starting to feel better. I went from having influenza to bronchitis and totally lost my voice for a bit. I am starting to have good days with the bad. I've cut my schedule to the bone to try to get better and I haven't picked up a needle and thread for nearly 3 weeks now. I

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6:28:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 55 comments

I'm hit with influenza. Be back soon.


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Hi-Ho Cherry-O Block

8:03:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

I've completed block #2 for my 2011 Alpine Quilt Group project quilt - the Game Quilt. You can see more and read more about the quilt project on Syd's Alpine Quilt Retreat Blog here.
This is my Hi-Ho Cherry-O block, which was fun and easy to put together. Syd's had great photos and instructions for making the trees.
I put little stop corners using some Sandy Klop fabric.
I opted to use cherry fabric instead of wool for the leaves/cherries. I'm going to use the pieces and cups from

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Fabric Friday - Be Ware of Cotton Price Rise

7:55:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 57 comments

I hate thinking about cost. Don't you? Unfortunately it is a part of life. I don't want to ruin your Fabric Friday but.... something is happening. The rise of cotton prices, which means the rise in quilt fabric cost.
Here is a chart for the value/price of cotton in the past couple years. Wow! Look at that rise. Don't we wish that was our bank accounts and investments, yep. Yesterday I was dropping off a quilt and I overheard a lady that works at Elaine's Quilt Shop in

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Hanging my 2010 Block of the Month Quilt

8:13:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

With March here I'm feeling changes in the sun that peeks into my windows. The days are longer (thank heaven) and now if it snows I know that it won't hang around for long because snow melts quickly in the spring.
So in honor of the hope of spring I changed out my quilt in my entryway and moved my little treasures around. I really love this quilt. It makes me so happy. I don't like that part of it is covered up by my side board but

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