June Alpine Quilt Group

11:27:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

I've been delinquent from our local Quilt Group for so many meetings. It seems something comes up either at the last moment, I'm too tired after work, or I just plain forget. So I really made an effort to get there this time, even though it was tough. And it was great. I was happy to see friends and get a dose of quilt injection.
We always have show-n-tell first. So these first quilts were from group members. Love the flag.
A Jan Patek design in lovely dark colors.
Embroidery placed

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To Make or to Buy?

6:56:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

With increasing cost of fabric and materials along with counting my precious time, I've sometimes thought, "should I make this or buy this?" when I see something I feel I want or need.

At Quilt Market Lori Holt had the cutest vinyl shopping bag and I asked her where she got it. She bought it at the check out for $1.00 at TJ Maxx. It was kind of a patchwork pattern vinyl and so cute, especially at that price.When I had some time I went to TJ Maxx and

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Fabric Friday and Floss

7:43:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

When I was at spring Quilt Market I met lots of fabulous quilters and blog friends. One of them was sweet and talented Sharon, formerly of Red Geranium Cottage and now of Daisy Cottage Quilting. Sharon is loads of fun and those of you familiar with her blog already know that.
Sharon has some great things at her new store. One thing that I really like is this Lecien yarn died fabric. It is like homespun fabric only fabulous. It is smooth and soft and has no wrong side.

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6:22:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 36 comments

I've been a Rowenta iron gal for about 12+ years. I started with a really nice Rowenta my SIL gave me for my birthday. It was a steam generator iron, nice but pricey. It lasted quite a while with alot of abuse but after about 5-6 years it got a huge hole in the water well after one bad fall. And although I loved the well of water and ready steam, it was too big for me to use on my smaller ironing board in my sewing room.

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