Allison is a big sister now

9:59:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 69 comments

Last Thursday, on my mother Freda's birthday, my daughter Whitney delivered a sweet baby girl 5 weeks early. It had been a very difficulty pregnancy for Whitney and she and Allison had spent a lot of time at our home so we could help her.Allison is going to have to grow up very fast and be a very big help to her parents now. And she will have to have be a big sister with extra responsibilities for the rest of her life. I think Allison is perfect

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5:10:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 6 comments computer has a virus, or something, it is being repaired...see you next week

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7:33:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 11 comments

In the last couple weeks I've mentioned blogs and projects that inspire me. There are so many ways to be inspired and one of those ways is from a book. But just like blogs being so numerous, there are so many books to choose from so it is nice to know when a book meets my expectations and style.
I found this book featured on Donna Flower's website. I really like the book and the vintage ideas. It is full of lovely ideas for vintage fabric. The front cover

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Be My Valentine

8:22:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 12 comments

Never a dull moment at the Hive. We've acquired an exchange student. And my daughter (Allison's mommy) is quite ill with her 2nd pregnancy so Allison and Whitney are spending a good deal of time with us. It is fun to still have a full house.Shelbie and Whitney took Allison on a short shopping trip and Allison got to have a little ride. I'm not sure if she is excited or terrified in this photo. You can see she's wearing her Harajuku jacket Shelbie bought her. Little girl

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Row by Row becomes Sampler

9:57:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

I know it probably seems like I have so many projects and none of them are getting finished. But I am working on my list and getting things closer to being done (somewhat). I just work a little bit everyday and hopefully I will have a new pattern and some finishes very soon.
I wanted to do something just a little different with my row by row idea and make a small sampler for the wall. This is what I came up with. It is a bit dotty. I

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Fun Little Valentine Project

7:45:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

I must admit I get my best ideas from other people's blogs. Maybe you do, too. So many great ideas are out there that I would make my own but I have a job and a family and unfortunately I have to sleep as well. Once in a while I come across ideas that I simply must incorporate into my sewing life.I saw this darling and fabulous little heart placemat on Jen's blog. Jen graciously said I could post her photo. I haven't really sewn a small fun

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Fabric Friday Michael Miller

7:15:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 10 comments

I am seeing gray fabric everywhere. Maybe gray is the new black or brown because it goes with so many colors just like they do.
Kitchen print in gray works for me. The gray hounds tooth gray will make a perfect binding.
Retro gray, yellow and white kitchen print matches great with the yellow dancing china print.
The dancing china in red (love it) pairs perfectly with the rick rack bias plaid. All the fabrics are from Michael Miller in several lines. I think they are all great.


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February 1 and a Quilt Comes Home

7:27:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

It is just so astonishing to me that we are already in February. Has time sped up or what?
Right after Christmas decorations come down I always place valentine goodies in my entryway. This year is the first time (since making the valentine quilt) that I haven't hung my valentine quilt in my entry. Instead, I placed it on an ottoman next to a tea set given to me by my daughter Tracey. I love my valentine quilt but I wanted to celebrate February with a different quilt

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