Row 3

7:27:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

I was really glad Lori left us her instructions for the next row of the row-a-long at Bee in my Bonnet.  I've been watching for it since I'm kind of at loose ends and anxious to keep up.  I should be working on past projects but I'm busy with other things so it is hard to get into it.  And I'm having a quilt retreat at my house this upcoming weekend so I hate to get going on too much before that. Anyway, I added the 3rd row,

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Butterflies, oops

8:16:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 30 comments

 I'm making Lori's row by row quilt and I've finished the butterflies.  Except they aren't correct.  You can read her instructions here.  And they are very plain.  There should be no reason for user error.  I was just slightly unfocused when I made these cute little butterflies.  I hope Lori forgives me because I'm not unpicking and I'm not remaking. They don't really even look like butterflies.  I'm not sure what they look like. But at this point I'm just glad to have them done.  My mistake was

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I'm On Board

7:29:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 26 comments

Since I finished the London 2012 quilt I have been planning a new quilt for my daughter Tracey.  But I haven't picked out the fabric yet and I'm giving the design some thought.  I really should be not be working on an interim project because I have previously started projects I would really like to fit back in my groove.  However.... All the cool girls are working on Lori's new row by row project.  So of course I want to get on board.  You can see the first row instructions here.

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Catching Up

7:02:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 7 comments

I wanted to blog about a couple things before I move on with new or existing projects.  Just because I sew and make quilts doesn't mean I make everything for myself.  Sometimes I rely on a little help and talent from friends or would-be friends. Paula Hogan lives probably 30 minutes from me but I don't know her.  However I'm an admirer or her Etsy Shop (called Compelled to Craft)  and her talent.  This may look like just simple circles but they aren't. These are made using vinyl

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London 2012 Flimsy

7:10:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 82 comments

I almost can't believe my summer London 2012 quilt top is completed.  I have enjoyed this project immensely but I'm ready to move on now that the Queen is back in her throne, Olympics are over and summer vacations are a nice memory. I am really pleased with it.  At one point I became discouraged with fitting all the blocks together with the filler fabrics and having it all come together and look like a cohesive project.  It sat on my sewing table for several weeks without much progress.  But

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7:35:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

It has been a nice few weeks and I've been off the radar.  I've been on vacation, put my youngest 2 back in school (one is a senior, one a sophomore at University of Utah) and took a few extra days to work on my London 2012 quilt and relax a bit.
I'm rusty, I guess, because this blog post just wouldn't come together.  My photos wouldn't download and my video wouldn't upload.  I didn't even get my pictures organized the way I wanted to for this

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