I haven't really sewn anything since before Thanksgiving last year.  It has been so long since I've been able to live my normal life but I'm getting better.  And I'm reclaiming my sewing machine.
I decided to ease with short spurts of sewing and with a simple project.  I made this table heart above a couple years ago.  I needed a gift for a friend and thought it was a perfect little project to remake.
I love working with 2.5" squares.  And I really think valentine fabrics are so sweet.  I used a combination of reds from my stash including some Pam Kitty fabrics.
I trimmed the heart and sandwiched the heart with a batting scrap and some valentine fabric.  Then I machine quilted the blocks in an X pattern.  Simple.  Still, even with a simple project, I had some unpicking to do.  I'm just a little rusty but I'll get it all back, soon.
All of you that are sewing along with Lori, you can put some squares together, too.   See Lori's blog and The Jolly Jabber for instructions.  Patchwork squares make me happy.

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Quilty Fun Trees

9:56:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 12 comments

So it is tree week in Lori's blog tour.  I really want to make some trees.  I haven't yet but I think they are perfect.  I'm still not sewing yet but I'm feeling about 35% improved.  I'm working hard to make it back to my real life.
I swiped these from the Jolly Jabber.  The tree is really well designed.  Of course!
This is Fat Quarter Shop's notion of the month.  And I want one!!  I can think of so many times I've needed something like this.

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Bring on 2014

7:44:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

At the end of the year I love to look around for fun calendars for the new year.  Sometimes it is hard to decide which ones I like best. I have to have a quilt calendar for my sewing room, right?  This calendar is filled with photos of modern quilts.  It's something a little different to hang on the wall this year. For my desk at work I chose this calendar called Backstreets.  It has photos of interesting streets and houses all over the world. I love colorful

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