This month's trunk show was by Joylynn Cluny. I think she lives in the Salt Lake County area and she brought a friend and her machine quilter with her. It was a really nice presentation. She is a very prolific quilter and her quilts were well done and interesting.
This is Joylynn on the left and one of her friends on the right. I can't tell you how many quilts she brought but my 20 pictures are only a sampling of the total shown.
These 2 above are
I belong to a really fabulous group of women in my town/area. We meet together on the last Tuesday of every month in a room of one of the church buildings in town. There is usually 40-50 women that attend month to month and the faces aren't always the same but there is a core group and peripherals that evolve and revolve. Some of the women have met for 20+ years. They are all amazing quilters and the quality of quilts that are produced here in town is
I caught my husband's cold over the long weekend so I didn't work on any projects. Zero. Not one stitch. Kind of a lost weekend, and not much in the way of progress to show this week.
I did get some great things in the mail today that I thought I'd post. I feel like I'm gloating but I prefer the term "sharing".
First is my belated Mother's Day gift from Tracey (daughter #3, or twin #1) and her husband Eliot. Tracey and Eliot just moved from Utah to Oklahoma