This 'n That

8:30:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

I couldn't believe that Frances from Home Made Originals sent my prize to me so fast. Totally amazing. I realize she lives in an adjoining state to me but that was really zippy. It was packaged so cute. Of course I saved the ribbon and her card.
Now I can keep my business cards organized in my purse and easily available. Its darling. And its red. Thank you again Frances.
So my goal was/is to stay caught up with Dear Jane. I came home last night and went into action.

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Dear Jane and blog awards

8:22:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

I can proudly say I'm up do date with my Dear Jane blocks. YAYYYYY! But it is short lived. Anina will have a new one up today. I'm feeling more relaxed about it. My blocks are certainly flawed but I'm either becoming more tolerable of the mistakes or they may be minimizing. Either way I'm glad I have been enjoying them more. I guess I've finally stopped fighting and I'm now drinking the paper piecing Koolaid.
See, not perfection but not embarrassing either. But if it were a

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Shop Hop Part II

1:40:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

Shop Hop Continued -

Our next stop was Quilts Etc. in Sandy. Their fairy tale was Cinderella. They always take the shop hop theme and have fun with it.
The sign out front says "Welcome to Cinderella's Ball". Their classroom was decorated and had snacks for the weary shop hoppers.The walls of the classroom were lined with great quilts to look at as shop hoppers took a break.
They had a gold ring toss, which I did not win. And front and center in the classroom was their Cinderella's ball gown

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Shop Hop Part I

10:03:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 15 comments

Shelbie and I went to 4 official Shop Hop stores and 1 byway shop. It was a fun day but when we got home Shelbie and I were so worn out we had to take a power nap. It wasn't just being tired it was feeling overstimulated. So many fabrics, colors, patterns, people, and things things things. I can only imagine how overwhelming Quilt Market must be!

Here is my haul. Its not excessive or impressive. I tried to stay on budget and did okay. I mostly went

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