Whitney made a baby quilt - stash style

Whitney's friends adopted a little baby boy and she spent the day sewing it at my house Wednesday and then I quilted it for her. It turned out darling. The nursery is in primary colors with punches of dots. So this is our first SUMMER STASH QUILT! It turned out darling. It has white minkee on the back and all kinds of squares including minkee and chenille on the front. Everything from stash. Yayy Whitney.

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Purple and Paisley said...

nice job, whitney! =) i love the primary colors and it's nice your mom has a lot of stash to play with and helps you...your friend's baby is lucky...=)

Eileen said...

Wow! That was fast.. and wonderful! ..all those primary colors and dots. I bet the new mother will love it as much as the little one!

Elizabeth said...

How darling! That quilt will be loved.

jen duncan said...

Great! Thanks for the reminder--it doesn't have to be some fancy pattern. Sometimes nothing beats a nice patchwork. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet quilt! Looks perfect for a precious baby boy. Thanks for the stash busting inspiration! x

Anonymous said...

Hi Nanette,
Just checked Mark's blog and was surprised to see your post to me. I know exactly what you mean. E-mail me at seasewhapy@yahoo.com, please. Also, Happy Birthday a bit belated. Mine was June 2nd. Smiles to you! Sandi

Joanna said...

That is so cute! You gals did such a great job. I'm sure the friend will cherish it forever.

Cathi said...

Great baby quilt! I bet that is well and truly loved!

Nerm said...

Love the colors and textures. Should be good to stimulate baby --I'll bet it becomes a beloved "blankie". I might borrow your idea. I'll bet big "babies" would like a lap quilt like that too. Ha. Luv, Nerm

Jody Sanders said...

It's wonderful! Congratulations to the new parents.

antique quilter said...

adorable and tactile for a baby!
great job Whitney!

Abby and Stephanie said...

Darling quilt, great colors. Anything with polka dots is awesome! I'd love to commit to the summer stash challenge but not sure I could abide by the rules. Does it mean you can't buy ANY fabric or just no new fabric when making quilts from your stash???

Amanda Jean said...

such a cute quilt...the color scheme is fantastic! I love the idea of a summer stash quilt(s). I may have to join in.

Darlene said...

Way to go Whitney - it's darling and will be loved and enjoyed to pieces!

Blakely said...

Another great quilt, and you used part of your stash.

Anonymous said...

Reallly beautiful and how nice to collaborate that way!

Anonymous said...

Well done! I'm still hand sewing parts of mine before I can even hit the machine! can't wait to see what else you make.

I love children and bright colours. Here in the UK it is still the fashion for pastels and beige in both the nursery and on babies and youngsters. Back when mine were little it was trendy for bright primary colours thankfully.

Anonymous said...

I love it! I'm sure the baby's mother will love it too.

Anonymous said...

Wow Whitney! I'm ever so impressed! It's so cute and bright! I like the quilting job you did Nanette. One day, I'll have a machine that does that too!

Ulla said...

That was really fast! And the quilt is lovely, both the mother and the baby will love it. I'm still just clearing my to do -list before I can start sewing my stash challenge quilt.

Annette said...

I love your baby quilt. Such beautiful fabrics. The lucky new mother is going to be thrilled.