Feedsack quilts for Glenna

7:54:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

Glenna is calling for feedsack quilts to be posted to help her out with a trunk show for a retreat.
I've been buying feedsacks and patterns from Glenna for years. I love Glenna's real feedsack charm squares and I have a small collection.

I've shown this quilt before on my blog but its really one of my favorites because of the lovely feedsack variety and the red squares framing each block. They are only snowball blocks but the red really sets off the jumble of colors and patterns and

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Cottages, Cottages, Cottages, Cottages, Cottages everywhere

8:23:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 39 comments

I hope everyone had a fun and productive weekend.
Please don't get sick of seeing cottages because Terri and I will be updating the virtual quilt with the exchange blocks every few days to showed continued progress. Cottages are popping up everywhere and it's really so delightful to see them and see the uniqueness each person in the exchange brings. I hope you can click the picture to see the wonderful details.

I've had several people ask to join the exchange since the cut off date and I do

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Fabulous Fabric Friday and stuff I'm proud of but hoping not to sound boastful

7:46:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

Friday fabric day again. I have so many things I could blog about today. There is so much going on. Thank you to everyone's sweet comments about my patterns and for buying them! I've had a really nice response and it's very exiting for me. Especially since today on Quilting Fiesta, there to my surprise was an 'All Dressed Up Dress, appliqued by the very talented Betsy. How is that for quick! And Betsy hasn't been hand appliquing very long. Thank you Betsy!

Don't you love this summer in

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Patterns - Finally

5:30:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 40 comments

Its been a long process to create these 2 new patterns. It has been fun and I've so appreciated the encouragement I've received. I'm happy with the results and I hope they are clear patterns to read and make. My machine quilter, Wren Woodland (Sew Small Stitches) did such a fabulous job quilting both of them. Kelly McCaleb was my photographer and I am so happy with all the photos.

All Dressed Up Quilt Pattern - ready for download or delivery. You can see my side bar or

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Christmas Cottage Exchange Begins Today

10:12:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 25 comments

Terri and I have received an overwhelming response to the block exchange. We are both really excited and I'm soooo happy Terri is helping me with this. She's super organized and keeps me on the path. And she's a good friend. Thank you so much Terri. The time has come to start the exchange so I am not accepting anyone new unless someone changes their mind. I am posting a list of first names that are in the exchange below. If your name is not there and you

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Happy Birthday Jamie

5:13:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 31 comments

Jamie is turning 18 today but vows to stay a kid forever. You can tell from the bedroom that Jamie is a sports nut geared mostly towards football and the Philadelphia Eagles.

And believe it or not this picture was taken after the room was cleaned.When Jamie and my husband painted the bedroom Eagles green I was not happy. But see who won, not me.
So today there is even a football birthday cake. If you didn't know it you'd think the cake was for a 12 year

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Details and Decisions

4:05:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

This post is mostly for those involved in our Christmas Cottage Block Exchange. I was going to address this in an email to all the participants but since there are several people undecided or those I don't have email addresses from yet, I'm going to discuss the exchange in a post. And I have received lots of questions so hopefully this will help some of you. And to those of you not in our exchange. I promise not to constantly post about this exchange everyday but you may

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Its Fabulous Fabric Friday Again

2:51:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

I'm getting excited and ready to start my Christmas Cottage blocks. And I got some new Christmas fabric to use. I had a big box of Christmas fabric saved from years past (some vintage stuff too) up in our unfinished room over the garage. We had a really snowy winter last year and ice built up on the roof and long story short - bad leak, icky mess, no more Christmas fabric. I actually don't remember throwing it away but in the thick of cleaning up I'm sure

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Christmas Cottage Block Exchange

8:39:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 47 comments

Yes it's a busy time of year and yes there are lots of exchanges/swaps going on. But still I thought it might be fun to exchange Christmas themed cottage blocks. The idea is still formulating and T at Purple and Paisley has offered to help me with this. Thank you T.

Christmas is still a harsh word before Halloween, I know. However, planning in advance is a essential to a home made Christmas.

The size of the exchange depends on how many sign up and how we decide move

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Cottage Tutorial

2:28:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 40 comments

I've been wanting to make a quilt designed around houses for a while now, but I didn't want it to be applique houses or a row of homes made of lots of teeny tiny pieces. I also wanted the quilt to be simple in structure with the fabric being the focus of the houses. I love working with a basic 2 1/2" square. And with jelly rolls being 2 1/2" wide, it is a popular size for basing this quilt and a fabulous way to use up scraps

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NOT a finisher

11:03:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

My mom (Nanette) is always after me to post what I am working on. But I am always working on several things at once, a little bit at time, and it takes YEARS to finish something at that pace. I would rather post something I have finished but I am just not a finisher. I am a starter(Nanette is BOTH a prolific finisher and a prolific starter). I like to think up ideas and .... that is usually as far as I go. I have ideas for a

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