Fabric Friday Random Random

8:23:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

Fabric Friday today shows several fabrics that have nothing to do with each other, hence Random FF.
These fat quarters have random words and logos on them. I do like fabric with words, letters and numbers. I don't know that I have met many novelty fabrics I didn't like.
What isn't to like about hedge hogs and daisies? I don't know what I'll use this for but I only have a fat quarter. I'll think of something sometime.
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure I've shown this

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I started this "Going to Market" basket quilt at the Bryce Canyon retreat in February. I took a class taught by the wonderful Ricci and I'm so glad I did because it made it so much easier. She was a great teacher. So here is the finished, bound and hanging quilt in my entryway.
I really did enjoy making this quilt. Using all the different fabrics really keeps my interest in a project. The pattern has the baskets made a tricky way and of course I ended up modifying the method to suit me. Don't we all do that with patterns?
My favorite part was picking out the fabrics. And I certainly did not end up with what I started picking out for this quilt. The journey is to be enjoyed though and by the time I started sewing I knew I had captured the feel for making the baskets look like a 'nanette quilt'.
It is nice to have a finish. I have so many things started that I wonder how I'll ever manage to get them all done. I have some other project finishes that were mailed off yesterday to California. I'm hoping you girls going to Quilt Market next month will take lots of pictures of my projects at the RJR booth and send them to me. It will be my first time having a quilt (and other goodies) at Market!

Now I've got to catch up on the Jelly Roll Quilt-A-Long. I'm 2 blocks behind and I'm just putting the finishing touches on the instructions for my block that will be featured in May so off I go now to work on it.

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8:07:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

It is late and I'm posting this for Monday so I hope it comes out okay. It has been another crazy busy weekend with more sewing for market (some re-dos). But so much got done so I feel happy about it. My girls and I even cooked an East Indian meal Sunday, and it turned out great.
I did want to talk some more about my current new project (yipes, I haven't kept my New Years resolution at all) the Gypsy Kisses quilt, otherwise known as Pickle Dish. I

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Fabric Friday and what is going on with me ...

8:07:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

Happy Fabric Friday. I'm posting ahead today, which I do most of the time anyway, but this time it is because last night would have been our first over-nighter for Allison at Nanny's house. I hope it went well. (Gosh that sounds over complicated but right now in real time it is Thursday.) Shelbie and I might be very sleepy today (meaning Friday). Whew.

My DVR broke this week, which isn't a big deal because they just send a new one no charge, but there goes all my saved

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And the prize goes to . . .

7:54:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 25 comments

Me! I know. That sounds so ridiculously self indulgent. Well it is true. I have received such thoughtful and fun treasures lately. I'd like to thank the academy, er-a, I mean my friends!!......
Lori, who makes the world a more beautiful place, gave me her latest pattern. Which I love.
I think my favorite is the tree. It looks like the tree of life. It is fabulous. As is Lori.
Rae Ann, who has more energy and drive than you would believe, gave me this kit to make a pinch

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Sewing with the Stars Part II

8:01:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 37 comments

If you are ever in southern Utah you have to stop at Quilted Works. It is centrally located in St. George and it is a really wonderful shop.
We were lucky enough to have them open their doors to our little group of girls last Friday -all day long! The room we were in was perfect for us to sew, visit and have lunch together in.
The whole store is dressed up wonderfully. The ceilings are tall enough for lots of display quilts and they have a great selection of

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