Merry Christmas

9:37:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 24 comments

I am wishing everyone a pleasant and happy Christmas. I hope we all find the New Year safe and well.


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Gift Giving

8:08:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 25 comments

We are counting down to the last days before the Big Day. Am I ready? Nah. But I am getting close. I get some of my best ideas from other blogs. I've had several good ideas this year from Serena at Farm Chicks Blog. So I thought I would "steal" one more idea. Look at Serena's good idea here.
Serena used syrup dispensers. I was thinking sweet but not quite so sticky. I purchased these sugar dispensers online for $1.49/each with no shipping. Good deal right? We filled them

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Fabric Friday Oldies but Goodies

9:52:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 13 comments

Everyone, including me, is busy with last minute Christmas preparations. Who has time to blog and read blogs? But it is fabric Friday. So for those who care I thought I would post some fabrics I recently pulled off my shelf. Shelbie did some rearranging for me and washed and pressed some of my vintage pieces. So why not show them before I put them in their place? These above I've fussy cut here and there to add in some of my quilts.
I love the pink, black, green

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Oh my gosh only 11 days left

8:16:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

I really hate when people tell how many days left to shop for Christmas. It always makes me panic slightly. So I'm just spreading the love with the title to this post. I'm a grinch at heart.
I got something in the mail that melted my Grinchy heart. My sister Michelle sent us Tastykakes for Christmas. Oh my gosh. It is like being a kid again eating these. Delish. Thanks so much Michelle.
I hope I get my quilt back for Allison in time to give her for Christmas.

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Binding Tea Towels

7:19:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

Friday I showed the linen/cotton blend fabric from Spoonflower. Saturday I had some time to bind the fabric and make the 2012 calendar tea towels.
Working with the linen cotton is nice because it has such a nice crisp body to work with. I cut some 2 1/2" strips for binding the edges out of fabric in my stash.
I bound the towels just like a quilt. Pressing the binding is the key to getting a nice, even look. I pressed the binding several times to get it to lay

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Fabric Friday - Spoonflower

9:21:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 9 comments

Have you discovered Spoonflower? Spoonflower is a fabric company that started a few years ago. You can upload designs to their website and have your patterns made into custom fabric. Others can buy your fabric there as well. I've have some custom designs tucked away that I really would like to make into fabric but haven't tried this myself, yet.
This year for Christmas gifts I decided to use Spoonflower. I ordered 2012 tea towel calendars. Spoonflower had a contest and designers entered 2012 fabric calendar ideas. There were

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Row by Row Flimsy

1:33:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 28 comments

My PKM fabric row by row quilt flimsy is finished. I'm really excited to take it to the machine quilter tomorrow. I am going to have her quilt a strawberry design. I think that will be perfect.
With a few exceptions my math did work out when I joined my rows together.
However, for the drafting my pattern and writing directions, it will be a little difficult since everyone's 1/4" seam is slightly different and since each row is unique, there are really no seams to match.
I do like my

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7:20:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 9 comments

Mary from Sea Quilts sent me a great little package from her giveaway. She's got a great blog and lots of talent. It was packaged so cute. You should check her out. She's made some darling things.
This is Mary's little Christmas quilt she made. I really admired it. Doesn't it look like the perfect Christmas wall quilt? It is just so cute I want to make it right this second.
Mary sent me a kit to make a wall hanging just like hers. I don't know that I will

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Fabric Friday today is Vintage Friday

8:49:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

Have you heard about the incredibly destructive winds in the western US? It specifically hit northern Utah with a vengeance. My daughter lives north of Salt Lake and although damage to her home was minimal, her neighborhood and the surrounding areas have incredible damage (akin to the horrible season of my Philadelphia Eagles this year). Power is still off to my daughter's (Allison's mommy) home. They are staying with us right now. They have not been told when there power will be restored. You can read about some

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