Fabric Friday - Auditioning

10:29:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 57 comments

I'm to the point in my Gypsy Kisses quilt where I need to audition fabric for the background. I've really tried to stick to the original feel of the quilt. But I'm not sure about the piano key edges. I just don't know about that yet but I will probably stay true to that format.
I am going to ask opinions about which fabric you think would be best for the background of my Gypsy Kisses. I'm so nervous about the curved piecing right now that I can't

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Daisy Cottage Chairs

8:39:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

I've been making 5" square blocks from Daisy Cottage charm stackers. I have been making good progress (slowly) and I have another block design to add.I hand appliqued the chairs and then machine sketch embroidered the details into the overstuffed chairs.
I haven't sketch embroidered for a while now and it really is fun because it is free and easy and not "in the lines" sketching.
I have 3 chairs completed and need to finish 9 more to make 12 blocks. Each block has been fun to make and I've

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Spring is Here

7:56:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 25 comments

Time to revisit progress on my Gypsy Kisses quilt. I started this quilt nearly 2 years ago with Nedra's help at her house in a mini retreat with friends. Some quilts are "one of" in a lifetime. This is one of those quilts, at least for me.This past weekend I finished all my "eyes". I'm pretty excited I've gotten this far along.
I enjoyed pressing and looking at each block and enjoying the fabrics. The next part will be sewing the centers and joining the eyes. I'm super worried

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Fabric Friday - Pot Luck

9:25:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 10 comments

We are less than 2 months away until spring market in Kansas. (no, I'm not going) New lines of fabric will be popping up everywhere. With that in mind sales abound but I'm also thinking ahead about what might be coming out next. So I want to pick my sale items carefully.This is a red from Lecien's Fall Flower Sugar 2011. There were several pieces I want to have before they disappear. I have fat quarter pieces in this line but I wanted 2 yards of this red

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What is up with me today? My shower curtain.

9:18:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 46 comments

I've not been doing much in the sewing room lately. Blame a combination of laziness, family stuff, work, and me playing Tiny Tower on my iphone and my daughter's ipad. Now I've completely blown my cover. Oh well.Not that you care, but I did buy a new shower curtain. I hate shower curtains in principal so I'm very excited to find a shower curtain that expresses my fabric point of view. This is the photo from the catalog. The curtain was over my budget at Garnet Hill. So

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Checking things off my list for 2012

6:29:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

I have a list of things that need to be done this first quarter of the year. One of them was finishing these baby quilts for a friend. She asked me to make these at least 7 months ago or so and I've been sitting on these simple baby quilts. Finally I am able to check them off my list.The fabric is a retro novelty print. She brought me fabric in 2 colorways and the pattern. I supplied the fabric for the 9 patch blocks and the inner

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Fabric Friday - Sweet Prints

7:36:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 25 comments

Months ago I got these super sweet prints and I've been wanting to show them to you but I keep forgetting. These are all Japanese prints not found in your local quilt shop. But I wish they were. What could be sweeter than a cherry with a flower? I just love the whimsy in these little cute cherries.
This is the same print in a neutral background. I don't know which colorway I like it in the best.I love a tulip. Tulips remind me of my sister, Polly.

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The worth of handwork

8:58:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

This is a really wordy post. But I feel like there are things I've wanted to talk about for a while. Read or skim.
I wanted to touch on a subject that is bounced around blogs from time to time and that is the value of handwork and hand made items. For me, if I'm going to give a gift to someone or purchase something for myself I first think Etsy.com and like to shop there. I would rather spend money for things made by a person in their

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Berry Fun Row by Row Quilt

11:58:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 35 comments

Oh my heavens. I'm finally finished with my Berry Fun Row by Row Quilt. Finished people! Finished. It has been a fun process interrupted by lots of life. But I'm very proud of how pretty the finished product became. I loved using Pam's fabric. Pam is such a great friend. Our styles are twinsies and I was so excited to create a project around her happy fabric.
There are 8 blocks in the quilt and I really loved making each block. I think when working with fabric that makes

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What Have I Been Doing?

7:13:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

First of all I want to tell you how grateful I am for all the sweet messages to me and my family about Eliza. I can't tell you how much we appreciate them. Whitney has been reading them as well as my other daughters, my in-laws and extended family. It is so touching to see the far reach of Eliza in prayers and thoughts. Thank you.
Believe it or not I have been working on some things while I have been MIA. So I'm going to give you a

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