Freda's Beehive Quilt Block Tutorial

9:26:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

I've been wanting to post this tutorial for YEARS now. The quilt is called Freda's Beehive. Several years ago I had a dream about making this quilt. I woke up in the middle of night, got out of bed and sketched this quilt block. I am a simple quilter at heart and I love squares and patchwork so a patchwork beehive seemed perfect.
I made this quilt once for myself and then 3 more times for trades and a sale. I've had requests for the pattern over the years

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Fabric Friday E Quilt

8:15:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

Riley Blake has some great new fabrics out and I really like this new one called Fly a Kite. I mentioned this week I wanted to make an E quilt for Eliza. I'm a little late to the party considering she is 2 months old. But since she's still at Primary Regional Medical Center, it's okay. Poor baby. Yesterday she had surgery to place a G tube into her stomach for more direct and longer term feeding. The surgery went pretty well. We've had Allison at our house

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Inspiration Books

8:49:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

It has been a while since I posted some inspiring books. You know I love the vintage Japanese style of making blocks. So it's not surprising I'm always hunting down deals on Japanese quilting books. However, since all the Pinterest frenzy about not posting copywritten material, I'm hesitant to post about books. But here goes.Even though this is a "beginner" style book I can still get inspiration from the colors, fabric and ideas found here.
I like the H blocks. It gave me a good idea for Eliza's quilt.

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7:45:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

Progress is slow. At least for me. Lately I'm pretty pathetic with time management. Family over fabric, though. Right? I've only finished appliqueing 3 centers under groups of Gypsy Kisses eye pieces. The good part is that it's rather easy and relatively quick to get the centers stitched into place. The bad part is I only completed 2 more over the weekend for the grand total of 3. Oh well. At least there's that. I decided to call each group of 4 eyes when joined with an appliqued

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Fabric Friday Lecien 30s

9:34:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

I think most of you can relate to my feelings of fabric making me "happy". My love for fabric dates back to my childhood home where my mother, Freda, had fabric lined up on shelves and her sewing room was where we always found her. The older I get the more nostalgic I get about growing up in a working class city and in a home where I was happy. I want to show you some cuts from Lecien's 30's collection. I have had (and used) some of

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More blocks

10:15:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

I'm working on more blocks for my 5" block Daisy Cottage quilt. I have been kind of creating on-the-go. Meaning I really have no overall plan for this quilt, but I'm making blocks using the fabric as inspiration.No blocks are "to scale" in this quilt. The design parameter is just the 5" block restriction. I am working right now on my teacups and saucers. They really are fun to make. I guess that is a parameter: fun for me to create and make. That's it.I made the little

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Winner, sort of, and Eliza update

7:07:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 28 comments

So....a couple weeks ago I was auditioning fabric for my Gypsy Kisses Quilt in this post. Thanks to everyone for helping me evaluate my fabric and consider what is important to me in this quilt. Hands down the green Denise Schmidt fabric was most popular in the comments. I love that fabric too. But I was still in a muddle. None of the fabrics seemed just right or rather they ALL seemed that they would work. However, Silly me. When I measured my fabrics, I didn't have enough

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Lazy Easter Post

5:18:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

Easter isn't what it used to be, at least not that I can tell. When I was a kid, Easter was a big deal. And I mean bigger than Halloween. New dress, new shoes, Easter bunny, Easter basket, a toy, dying eggs, and candy. Lots of candy. Sure I knew the religious implications, but I was a kid.
I remember we got Easter cards in the mail. I'm not sure if my mom sent them out, too, but my auntie always sent us a card. Ah, nostalgia.

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Easter and Spring

8:50:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

I've gotten so I really don't decorate too much for holidays but I always have something going on in my entryway.No matter the season or holiday we usually have candy in this jar. Everyone dips into this jar from time to time, even guests (like Mason's friends). This jar reminded me of my colored vintage Christmas balls hiding in the closet.I decided that I loved these vintage balls too much to put them in a closet for 10 1/2 months out of the year. So I removed the

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