I was really glad Lori left us her instructions for the next row of the row-a-long at Bee in my Bonnet.  I've been watching for it since I'm kind of at loose ends and anxious to keep up.  I should be working on past projects but I'm busy with other things so it is hard to get into it.  And I'm having a quilt retreat at my house this upcoming weekend so I hate to get going on too much before that.
Anyway, I added the 3rd row, which is the chevron row.  It was quick and easy and I don't think I made any mistakes.  Yay.
I put my rows together.  I like doing that as I work on a project like this, rather than leaving them to the end. Usually I'll group the rows into 3 parts so it is easier to work with and then at the very end put the groups together.  Do you do that too?
I do like the pop of color and pattern in my large scale background fabric.  It may not really look great at this point but I'm going to make this my only border and make the outside border chunky and scalloped.  I'm not sure what vision Lori has for the project border but that is what I see for mine.  At least now.
I've enjoyed the simplicity of the rows and I think my butterflies don't look too bad from a distance.  Once it is quilted I don't think it will matter at all.
Now I wait for row #4 next week.  Tapping my foot while Lori is gone.  Or maybe I'll work on some applique that has been going on for years.  I should do that, shouldn't I?
My son Mason waited at the ATT store all night long Thursday night and I met him there in the AM early on Friday.  We did get new phones. He has been saving for months since his old phone is an iphone 2.  I gave my (old? not old) 4s  phone to my daughter since she super needed a new phone.  So I felt like I could splurge.  I have already spent too much time using the iphone 5.  I put my PKM fabric row quilt as my wallpaper.  Super cute I think.  

Busy week for me ahead.  You too? I'm excited about my family coming for the retreat.

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 I'm making Lori's row by row quilt and I've finished the butterflies.  Except they aren't correct.  You can read her instructions here.  And they are very plain.  There should be no reason for user error.  I was just slightly unfocused when I made these cute little butterflies.  I hope Lori forgives me because I'm not unpicking and I'm not remaking.
They don't really even look like butterflies.  I'm not sure what they look like.
But at this point I'm just glad to have them done.  My mistake was in making my quick corner triangle cut 1" instead of 1.5".  I think.
I knew before I was finished they were not right but I kept telling myself it wouldn't matter.  Much.
Well, that is my story and I'm sticking to it.  After all.  It is just fabric.

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Since I finished the London 2012 quilt I have been planning a new quilt for my daughter Tracey.  But I haven't picked out the fabric yet and I'm giving the design some thought.  I really should be not be working on an interim project because I have previously started projects I would really like to fit back in my groove.  However....
All the cool girls are working on Lori's new row by row project.  So of course I want to get on board.  You can see the first row instructions here.  I worked on it this weekend using my favorite colors and some mini prints.
Lori always has great ideas about time saving tips and she looks at projects in a different way.  Her method did work out perfectly just like Pam said it worked for her.  I mean come on.  If Lori, Pam and Tricia (among other friends) are doing it, how could I pass it by?
But really, I've been mostly not sewing and doing lots of this.  Sweet, huh.  

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I wanted to blog about a couple things before I move on with new or existing projects.  Just because I sew and make quilts doesn't mean I make everything for myself.  Sometimes I rely on a little help and talent from friends or would-be friends.
Paula Hogan lives probably 30 minutes from me but I don't know her.  However I'm an admirer or her Etsy Shop (called Compelled to Craft)  and her talent.  This may look like just simple circles but they aren't.
These are made using vinyl covered fabric or oilcloth and they are for covering serving bowls.  They are not shower caps like my kids thought they were.
These are made from Lori's vinyl fabric.  They fit snug and are perfect for covering in the fridge or protect while transporting.
Before leaving on vacation I won a giveaway from Stephani at her blog Stuph From Steph.  I love winning.
Stephanie makes these great baby burp cloths.  Super cute.  Thanks Stephanie.

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I almost can't believe my summer London 2012 quilt top is completed.  I have enjoyed this project immensely but I'm ready to move on now that the Queen is back in her throne, Olympics are over and summer vacations are a nice memory.
I am really pleased with it.  At one point I became discouraged with fitting all the blocks together with the filler fabrics and having it all come together and look like a cohesive project.  It sat on my sewing table for several weeks without much progress.  But then I rethought measurements and pushed forward.
I like my banner border.  The binding will be like the string holding the bunting inline.  It is a busy quilt but I think there is enough white to give the eye some rest.
I placed my town/row homes on the top and bottom corners to anchor the quilt.  I've even decided those 4 roses together really suit better to be torches.  So now they are officially representing a bit of the Olympic torch cluster.
Each little piece of the quilt has taken quite a bit of thought and planning.  And each piece means something to me.  Several of the blocks were taken from ideas of other patterns or from parts of patterns I have obtained from others and some are ideas I just imagined.  I think my favorite block is Queen Elizabeth's silhouette that my good friend Pam Kitty Morning let me use after I saw her make a pillow with it on her blog.
The next step is quilting.  I'd like to get it done (of course) as fast as possible.  I'm going to make some calls today to see what I can come up with.  I can't imagine my pleasure with it when it is quilted and bound.  I will really enjoy this as a memory quilt and the quilting focus of my 2012.

I would like to move onto several UFOs but my daughter Tracey and her husband Eliot are moving into a new home and of course they need a new quilt.  So that will be my next quilt.  Ideas began to form for that project as I stitched the last few seams of London 2012.

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It has been a nice few weeks and I've been off the radar.  I've been on vacation, put my youngest 2 back in school (one is a senior, one a sophomore at University of Utah) and took a few extra days to work on my London 2012 quilt and relax a bit.

I'm rusty, I guess, because this blog post just wouldn't come together.  My photos wouldn't download and my video wouldn't upload.  I didn't even get my pictures organized the way I wanted to for this post but please bear with me.  I'll shake off the dust for the next post (I hope).  So really, in no particular order, here are a few snaps from my vacation to the Crow Creek Ranch in Star Valley Wyoming.  
Here are 2 of my sisters showing their projects in nearly finished condition.  My sister Michelle's family (on left) own the ranch.  Michelle made one of Ever Kelly's Storybook Lane houses.  Polly (on right) made pillow cases with cotton trim and was embroidering them per Lori Holt's pattern.  
My brother-in-law, Brent, was so great to work with Allison and let her ride one of the horses.  Allison loved it and wanted to ride all day long.
This photo gives you a little view of part of the ranch.  The 500 plus acres were notably dry this year compared to last year.  But the ranch is so beautiful and we have so much fun there.
We had fun playing out at the lake.  Here is Jamie, Allison and Shelbie in the peddle boat pushing away from the dock.  If we hadn't pulled Allison away kicking and screaming, she'd still be there throwing rocks into the lake and wanting to ride in the boat.
We are lucky enough to have one of the homes on the ranch to ourselves and it made it really nice to be with extended family and then at night go to our own cabin and bed together.  Laurie, Shadow, Eliza and Allison thought it was so funny to steal "nanny's" bed.  Actually Allison slept with me every night.  She kicked Dave into a different room.  She would say "nanny bed" when it was time for night-night.
This is a picture of my newest grand nephew, Luke.  He's such a good baby.  One of the perks of vactioning with extended family is enjoying sisters, their children and their grandchildren.  Luke is posing on the quilt I made for him.
Here is the latest photo of Eliza.  It was really fun to have Allison and Eliza with us on vacation.  They were both really good.  Little Lizzy is doing so amazingly well.  It is such a blessing to see her growing and improving all the time.  She's a delight.
Here is my niece Tricia's Storybook Lane house.  Before you jump on this darling project, beware.  We found the pattern challenging.  But it turned out cute and fun.
There were times I thought Michelle and Tricia would give up on their little houses but I was really proud of them for keeping at it.  
Tricia sent me this photo a few days ago.  She finished her little Storybook people.  Now I still need to make my set.  I want to give it to Allison for Christmas.

Whew.  This was a tough post.  But worth it.  So much for my summer vacation.  September is here and back to work.

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