Potholder Tutorial Rewind

8:37:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

"Doll House" Potholder Tutorial  Because of lack of material I'm doing a rerun of one of my tutorials.  I'm still not able to sit at my machine for very long.  Recovery from bursitis isn't very fun.   And I'm rather sick of myself not being able to do normal stuff.  So I thought I would rewind to a time when I was my old creative self.  This is such a fun house block.  It makes me feel good to look backwards at all the fun things I've made.

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Belated Valentines

8:27:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 12 comments

I'm always so behind these days.  My life continues to be kind of topsy tervy right now but I'm learning to be patient with myself. I love red and Valentine's Day.  I love that it is just a sweet day and I take it with a no obligation point of view.  I choose to celebrate in fabric because the prints for valentines look so happy. I have very fond memories of sending valentines to my classmates and enjoying the valentines sent to me.  I used to keep the

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Sad and Happy

2:04:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

The time has finally come for Mason to leave to have his missionary training in Argentina.  Because of visa problems, his departure was delayed several weeks.  It was a little disconcerting to him to have that happen but he handled it well and the time passed quickly.  At least to me.  Mason takes things in his stride and I know that quality will serve him well while he is in Uruguay and away from home for 2 years. I know every mother thinks her kids are special, and

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Feb Sew Sweet Block

6:23:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 13 comments

I thought I had my Feb 2014 Sew Sweet Block finished but when I looked at my block compared to Clover and Violet's block, I realize I did something wrong.  So I will probably be making another block. I looked at the pictures and directions on Clover and Violet.  I am not a newbie when it comes to log cabin basics.  I think I cut the strips out okay. But mine isn't exactly like the sample.  Hmm.  Oh well.  It was fun to make with cute aqua and

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Donna From Lavender's Nest Block

3:11:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 12 comments

I'm happy to be included in the block swap at Donna's Lavender Nest.  January is Donna's month.  We know Donna loves lavender so that is the color Donna chose and she asked us to use this Jacob's Ladder pattern for a 12" block.  I had a pretty floral lavender fabric in my stash ready to make this block.  I've got to mail it off (I'm late) to Donna post-haste.  It was fun to just sew one block.  It was a nice fast and complete project for me to

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