Cards on New Carpet

This post is really to celebrate that I got new carpet today in the new soon-to-be sewing room and living room at my home. YAY! I have been waiting and waiting for it to come in and now the real work begins setting up my machine and moving tables and things into the room. I've been filling the shelves slowly and organizing fabric but thats not even done. (You wouldn't believe how much fabric I have donated to Deseret Industries, it kills me when I think of it). But Natalie helped me whiddle the stash down to fabric I feel I will actually use.

I had to put something fun on the carpet so I laid out my collection of vintage greeting cards. I love them. They have such happy optimistic messages inside and represent my love of all things vintage.
I was just talking via e-mail to Diane yesterday about how I like vintage cards so it made me think of my cards for show and tell today. Cards were an important part of yesteryear. Even as a small child I remember my parents sent cards and recieved cards for all occasions, especially Christmas, birthday and sympathy cards. I can still remember displaying cards recieved in the mail at Christmas on the bookshelf on our Jefferson St. home in Reading, Pa., and watching my mom get out the card table and box of cards to address. There was always such a long list of cards to be sent to family and friends. Before my parents died they never forgot important events and marked them with cards. My mother-in-law still takes special care in picking out a card for her grandkids birthdays and events. (Heck, I'm lucky if I give a gift and its even wrapped!)
This collection of cards is from unknown people. I'm a thrower and sentimintality has come slower to me over the years. I wish I had kept cards from my childhood but they are long gone.

The messages on the cards in my collection range from a simple first name signed to this sweet and delightful woman named Elizabeth writing a message of love to her dear husband Ken. It was written June 20, 1945. And look at that handwriting. You don't find that anymore. - nanette


Di~ said...

Hey Nanette! I'm so excited you mentioned and linked me in your post!!! Great post. So true. Exciting new carpet! Can't wait to see your new work/play room.
~D Spack~

Purple and Paisley said...

oh, how i love that handwritten message! especially all the little kisses "x's" at the bottom!!!! i can picture him blushing!

Darlene said...

Beautiful cards - thank you for sharing!

Sherry said...

Yeah for the new carpet. Your vintage cards are so charming. Emailed greetings just aren't the same as the old-fashioned greeting card! Thanks for sharing.

Kairle Oaks said...

The vintage cards are precious, Nanette. What a tender message from a wife to her husband!

Kairle Oaks said...

OH!!! And the carpet looks awesome, too! lol!

Natalie said...

it is such a delightful room to sew and work in. i am really enjoying it!

Thimbleanna said...

What an adorable collection! Love the handwritten message -- how sweet. I sure wish I'd saved one of all the little valentines we used to give out!

Anonymous said...

Hello! The messages on old cards are beautiful. I collect used postcards of Brighton, UK and have ones from the 30's with the most delicate handwriting proclaiming undying love for a wife or husband and others beautifully written talking about the weather and salmon sandwiches!

Claire Louise Milne said...

These are so sweet! I couldn't throw anything like that away. I love the girl waving in front of the house, the artwork is soo pretty.