Sometimes when I start on a theme or an idea that I like, I keep going on the idea and working in different directions around it until I get my fill and then I move on. Well, I'm still fixated on the matryoshkas. I sewed and quilted a matryoshka banner to hang in my sewing room. It was a lot of fun and it came together fairly quickly. The border fabric on the banner (I only had a tiny bit of it) was my inspiration point. Its pieced,
Lots and lots of pictures for a quilt I am so proud of and so happy with. I made this quilt for my boyfriend of two years. He is part Navajo American Indian and part cowboy at heart, so I made this cowboy/indian quilt. I appliqued the stars (almost 90 total) and it took me nearly six months to complete. He is a good sport and shows it to anyone who comes to visit him. He says he is proud to be dating a creative woman, and I
I had been looking for just about forever for a cute poncho pattern that was a bit sophisticated, and could be dressed up or down. I have yet to find the pattern but i did find exactly what I wanted at from Meduska's Studio. Its very soft and surprisingly warm. And i love the rosette on the collar. When ever Iwear it i get a lot of compliments on how pretty it is. And since so many people have asked me where I got it, Ithought I
I've been tagged by PKM. I adore Pam and her blog. It was one of the first blogs I started reading about a year ago. I love Pam's humor and taste in everything. I like to believe that if Pam and Elizabeth lived in my neighborhood (and belonged to my quilt group) that I'd be included in their adventures.
How to play the game . ..
1. When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 7 things about
As I have said before about knitting, I sometimes have a hard time finding clothes that fit the way that I want them to, look the way that I want them to, and are made out of fabrics that I don't absolutely hate. And on top of that, there is the constant struggle to wear something somewhat chic, not too trendy, and just a little bit unique to help me show my personal sense of style.
I found this dress pattern from Vogue Patterns -- I have made a
When my friend Jan called today it felt like Christmas in February even before she came to see me. Jan is a fabulous painter and I love all her works of art. She's brilliant and so talented.
I traded last year with Jan and I got the best end of the deal. Jan painted my childhood home for me and I made 2 quilts for her. I absolutely love my painting and it means so much to me to have that piece of my vintage childhood in my home
Ha. I just had to use that word after watching Project Runway reunion show tonight. I wonder how it would be if they had a show like that for quilters? Give inspiration and then 2 days to make a quilt top. It would be crazy. Of course no one would ever put that on TV. Would you do it if they had a quilters, crafters, knitters Project show? Just a random thought.
Ok. Here is my fierce. I very rarely buy a whole line of fabric and I almost
I visited some friends in Vegas and Phoenix over the weekend and was so excited to try out (again) the elephant pattern from this book. It was hardly easy going because I get frustrated, but I was so thrilled to get them done in and time and so happy to see them in the hands of my friends.
The quilt was a lot of fun once I got going, but I also had to be nursed through it by my mom. It was staggered strips of fabric and I
The babushka tea cozy is finished. I loved making it. I took the whole face off after I posted yesterday and made it all bolder. I made the eyes bigger and instead of pink nose and mouth I embroidered with red floss. I made the blush slightly bolder, too. I backed the whole back of the doll with linen. The finished babushka fits on a taller thinner teapot from my collection. I never use teapots but I think they are such a pretty shape so I have and
I have been wanting to make this tea cozy to put over a teapot on a shelf in my sewing room for a while now but I didn't have a pattern, just an idea.
I bought a pattern for matryoshka dolls from Aimee Ray at her etsy shop. I adapted it and made it bigger so I could use her basic pattern to come up with my own version of a matryoshka tea cozy. This weekend I got it mostly done.
Mine is definately not the same face. Thats where
I'm not much of a traveler. My husband and I are pretty much home bodies. So I think this 'Trips around the World' quilt is maybe the closest thing I have to traveling around the world.
I'm not even sure why someone named this quilt 'Trips Around the World'. I understand that the center square is probably supposed to be the world and all the squares around it are the trips. And that's kinda cute. It's just that sometimes I see quilt names and wonder how someone thought
We have one more picture to post of Meloney's fabulous flag. Its never too late Meloney. Thank you for sending it to me. Meloney's doing some nice things on her blog. I am so overwhelmed by the responsed to Freda's Hive. We are in contact with people all over the world. I think that is magical that women can network from their home to other women in all parts of the world and share their experiences and talents. Its just wonderful. Thanks to those who shared ideas about
Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Thank you so much to those that participated in the Valentine Flag pattern. It is so fun to see my design created by you in so many individual ways.
Also, thank-you for all the great comments and the great e-mails we have received since starting our blog. We are so glad to have the great input and participation. Thanks!
In no particular order here are the pictures I have recieved of the Valentine's Day Banner. They are all lovely and each one is unique - isn't