
Sometimes when I start on a theme or an idea that I like, I keep going on the idea and working in different directions around it until I get my fill and then I move on. Well, I'm still fixated on the matryoshkas. I sewed and quilted a matryoshka banner to hang in my sewing room. It was a lot of fun and it came together fairly quickly. The border fabric on the banner (I only had a tiny bit of it) was my inspiration point. Its pieced, not appliquéd because I wanted to see what one of these dolls would look like if pieced into a little quilt instead of stitching it on top.

Posed next to it is a little matryoshka I got from Ravenhill at her Etsy Shop. She is very darling. I'm going to sit her next to my other ones on the shelf in my sewing room.

I think I might have one more matryoshka project in me. We'll see. I'm enjoying these little women.

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pink-petal-designs said...

wow its lovely and so is your quilt with the stars on.
Srah x

Purple and Paisley said...

love it! your banner is precious and she looks wonderful pieced...great job! your sewing room is going to be even more beautiful than ever, you crafty thing!

Kim said...

she's so sweet :) and I love your daughter's quilt for bf.
You've got quite the crafty family. I wish my dd would take to the fiber arts not just drawing...but at least it's something

Di~ said...

Oh My Word ~ Nanette, you are so creative. What a great original theme for your sewing room!!!

Pam said...

Border fabric is darling! Cute little quilt, you did a great job!


julieQ said...

How cute!! I love your banner, she will look great in you sewing room.

Jana Nielson said...

That is so fun!! You amaze me with all of the different things you do!
I am finishing my "tumbler" quilt today! The pattern is great! I can't believe how easy it is, and how fast it goes together. Thanks!

Heleen said...

I Think your matroushkaquilt is lovely! I'm also making a matroushka quilt(you'll see on my blog)

Jeanne said...

Your banner is so cute! Great little quilt.

Denise (Nour) said...

Oh! I love this matryoska theme. Your little quilt is really cute any way to get the pattern? You are very creative.

Jodi Nelson said...

Adorable! I can totally picture a quilt done with her! I see these dolls popping up all over, and I'm totally in love with them!

Anonymous said...

So lovely to see my matryoshka doll has found her way saftely to you! I hope that you are enjoying her! Thank you for writing such a lovely post about her. Your blog is so beautiful!!! Happy spring!