Happy Birthday Laura

Today is Laura's birthday! Happy Birthday Laura.

Laura is the best friend and neighbor anyone could have, a fabulous chef/baker, and also a "sometime" blogger (ahem, no post since Halloween!)

In honor of her blog - S'More Cupcakes, I gave her a cupcake pincushion and cupcake stand (from Etsy). Laura introduced me to the flavors of Ina Garten years ago. Laura does not believe in box cakes. And after you've been spoiled by her cupcakes, you wouldn't want them either. But for a rainy day when she doesn't want to make cupcakes I got her this Ina Garten cupcake mix from Stonewall Kitchen. So it's a gourmet cake mix! I got one for me too, so we'll have to see if it lives up to the Barefoot Contessa brand. I hope she had a good day today.

Remember when I got this magazine? I said I'd do a review, of sorts, on what is inside this beautiful publication, Artful Blogging.

Well, most of the magazine is filled descriptions of blogs that are creative, informative and popular. There are all sorts of blogs featured with art, jewelry, scrap booking, cooking, homemaking, photography, sewing, etc. Many of the blogs have Etsy sites or websites, which at this time of year can be helpful for gift giving. I really prefer to give handmade gifts where possible.

One thing I thought was odd was that the URL for the blog isn't upfront and center in the article. You kind of have to figure that out as you go because the paragraphs are titled in bold with words and things that could be thought of as blog names. Kind of confusing to me since I'd never been inside the magazine before. The pictures are beautiful and the articles about each blog are written sort of in a post type format. Many of the blogs are retro/vintage flavored.

I am going to name a few of the blogs in the book that appealed most to me. After all I mostly sew, quilt and dabble in cooking so these blogs are the ones that caught my eye. (I know at this time of year when everyone is so busy we don't need more blogs to look at but you might want to bookmark them for a future skim through.)

Janes Apron - Vintage aprons, sewing and crafting

Homespun Living - A bit of everything - sewing, knitting, children, gift making, cooking, hen keeping, gardening, embroidery. From what I can gather she has a balance of all these things on her blog.

Speckled Egg - Vintage treasures of all sorts but the vintage trim was most appealing to me. She has a website too where she sells her vintage goods.

The Little Pink Studio - A cute blog with pretty things to look at.

There were so many more blogs in the book. No quilts though. Not really any vintage fabric stuff. But maybe next issue? The book is a good idea, especially for someone planning a blog and not knowing where to start. There are tips on photography, blogging etiquette, tips on banners and a few ads. I guess that was one of the things I liked best - not many advertisements. The magazine is a little arty for me but after all it is called 'Artful Blogging'. My style is a little more straight forward. But . . . all in all I'm not sure at this price I'd buy the magazine again.

Happy Birthday again to Laura!



Nedra said...

After reading your previous blog when the magaizine came in the mail, I ordered one too. I was a little disappointed. I don't know what I expected. Maybe information on how to dress up blogs. More computer type directions. I wanted to learn somehting new that I could use on my own blog site.
The pictures and art work were fantastic, but it wasn't anything I couldn't see going on to those sites from my computer. It was a pricy magazine. I think for the money I'd order a quilt book next time.

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I think I'll look for the magazine when I'm out shopping tomorrow. Glad you gave a review. Magazines are so expensive now that I choose carefully the ones that I buy. It's gotta be great or I won't buy it and then I spend the money on fabric!! :-) I'm sorry but I am giggling at the sentence where you mention Arful Blogging. Makes me think the Jetson's dog was typing. Hee hee. I am sewing rick rack along the roof edge on all my cottage blocks that I received. Have an idea for my lay-out. Back to sewing rick-rack. :-)

Sew Bettie said...

The magazine sounds great! I'm off to check out the blogs you recommended.

Sherri said...

I bought the magazine also after seeing it on your blog! I found a couple blogs I will check in on now and then, and I found some interesting perspectives on blogging...but the price was pretty high considering there wasn't any quilt inspiration!

Thimbleanna said...

Thanks for the review Nanette. I've looked at that magazine often in the bookstores and I have to agree -- it does feature some nice blogs, but it's a little arty for me. Plus, I'm not really sure I like the concept that there might be "rules" to blogging. I think a blog should reflect it's owner and if everyone is following the same "rules" they'll be too much alike.

Lurline said...

So busy and not getting much done, but never too busy to comment on your posts, Nanette!
Happy Birthday, Laura!
Thanks for the insight into the Blogging mag - will read through all you have referred to - maybe late tonight. Am going to try the local library to see if any books have been written about blogging!
Hugs - Lurline!

Anne said...

I went to Barnes/Noble yesterday to buy the magazine and about fell over when I saw the price. Figured I'd sit for a minute and peruse it. After doing so, I decided not to buy it. Like others have said...it's a bit too artsy for my taste. I'll take a look at the next issue and see what I think. Glad I didn't order it. I would have been disappointed.
Happy Birthday Laura!

Kritta22 said...

I saw this at the store and thought, that's interesting. I'm so glad you did a review. Now I'm going to go look at it again!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday to Laura!! Enjoy the cake mix! I have also looked through that magazine as well and I have to agree with your review. I have not yet seen any quilting blogs in it though and I have seen several issues.

Betsy said...

Feliz cumplaeanos to Laura.
I too enjoy that magazine. so inspriring.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Happy Birthday Laura! I love Ina.

I saw the Artful Blogging magazine at JoAnns this week. I had a 40% coupon and that would greatly reduce the price. I flipped through it and thought it was full of pretty things to look at but did not appeal to my "style". For the price I want to love it.

alobsiger said...

Thanks for the review, Nanette! I have resisted this mag so far. I did not resist the premier issue of Where Women Create. OH MY. It is pretty pricey, but give it a gander if you happen to run into it. The pics of some of the fabrics and trims the featured women use/sell are drool-worthy. Plus there is an article about Karey Bresenhan of Quilts, Inc. Interesting stuff.

Eileen said...

For some reason I just got a serious craving for a chocolate cupcake. Mmmmmmmm!

Karen said...

Happy Birthday Laura - that little cupcake is a very sweet gift for her.

I bought that magazine once also, LOL. Thought is was nice, but yes it's arty and I would rather spend that money on a magazine I can get lots more out of. Very nice though and interesting.

Hugs - Karen

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday! I completely agree with your description of Artful blogging. I found it to be a bit overpriced and I couldn't find anything constructive on how to better my blog. I will not buy it again.

Di~ said...

Can I be nosy and ask where specifically, did you get that cupcake stand? I love it. I'm really into cake plates, bowls, etc. on a pedestel. Tell Laura Happy Belated from me, yesterday was my guy's birthday also. He turned 56! Thanks for the links (just what I need!) ha.

em's scrapbag said...

Happy Birthday Laura! Love the cupcake pincushion. I have made a few. Aren't they just so fun.

Candace said...

Thanks for the links, Nanette! And Happy Birthday to Laura - I have a neighbor like her as well! Have to agree on that magazine - I bought the previous issue and found it just too cluttered with stuff and too artsy, but I'm sure there are many out there who find it really useful! Now I'd best go find a cupcake and look at those new blogs! Cheers!

Sandra :) said...

Happy birthday Laura - hope you had a great day!!! Sorry I'm late! Love the pincushion and the cake plate - very pretty!

Nan said...

Happy belated birthday to Laura! The gifts you gave her are wonderful - Ina Garten's mixes are to die-for delicious, aren't they?
Thank you for the critique of that magazine and the links for such lovely blogs.

Amanda Jean said...

how wonderful to have such a great neighbor!!! a true blessing, for sure!