4 Days, 242 women, a wonderful hotel, a beautiful setting and sewing

The title to this post says it all in a nutshell. I had a really great time at the winter retreat last week. Well, that is an understatement. I had an amazing time.
We went to Bryce Canyon, Utah - breathtaking. This was taken with our camera. It is not a postcard. Seriously. Bryce is in the southern end of Utah about a 4 1/2 hour drive from my house.
Another picture we took. The rocks are simply amazing. If you ever, EVER, get a chance to vacation at Bryce Canyon - jump at the chance. I simply can't describe how beautiful it is and how many activities there are for all seasons.We stayed at Ruby's Inn. It is a family owned hotel and the accommodations were wonderful. My daughter Shelbie was my roommate and essential partner. I couldn't have done it without her. At the last moment I drug my husband along too. (Well, I didn't really "drug" him but he had fun, too. Really!) He was part time photographer, quilt toter, support and companion. I taught 3 classes, took 2 classes, and did a trunk show and small presentation on fabric from my point of view Friday night.
Beware of the bears at Bryce, however. This one looks a little wooden but it got hold of Shelbie and wouldn't let go!
Some of my friends from our Alpine quilt group were there but I also had the sweet experience of seeing Nedra again. I can't say enough about Nedra and how much fun it was to be with her, Judi, Ricci and the gals. I took a class on Saturday morning from Nedra. Here she is holding the potholder I brought for her. We are planning a weekend in her neck of the woods ASAP. Go visit her blog and see her pictures and her view from the Cactus Needle. She's an amazing person to be around.
Here I am with the beautiful and sweet Dawn and Sherri. Dawn is on the left and Sherri on the right. We had so much fun together. I can't tell you how much these girls added to my experience. You always wonder how you will hit it off with other bloggers, you know? Well let me tell you. I had a BALL with these girls. I can't say enough about how much fun they were. They took my "All Dressed Up" quilt class. And we were able to spend fun, fun times together the next couple days. I'm sure they are going to blog about the retreat. I hope they enjoyed being with me as much as I enjoyed them. We have to do this again! (I don't know how this picture got so weird looking. We tried to take the shine off the faces but obviously that didn't work. It was at the end of a long day. At least Sherri and Dawn look good!)
Here is a view of part of the crowd from the back/side of the conference room. We met all together for noon and evening events - more about that in my next post.
The fabulous Bonnie Miles put the whole event together and has been doing this particular retreat for 17 years! I don't know how she does it. From my vantage point it couldn't have been better. Bonnie - thank you so much for letting me be a part of the Bryce retreat.
Isn't this cartoon funny? It was passed around last week. I really wish you could all have been there. My favorite part, of course, was meeting and being with all the talented and wonderful women. I think I talked to the majority of them at some point or other during the week. I thank all of them for making my stay in Bryce so memorable. More tomorrow!

It is nice to be home though. I'll be spending a lot of time catching up with my family, home, and all of you. I'll be around to see what some of you are up to.



amy smart said...

Wow, that sounds like so much fun. I will get there one of these years! Glad you had such a good time!

Val said...

Wow,this sounds like so much fun. So you teach a class? I love the pot holder you made. You don't have a tutorial on that do you? It is beautiful. I love it. Glad you are back safely though.

Elizabeth said...

That sounds like so much fun! I love the pear apron you are wearing in one of the pictures.

rachel griffith said...

sounds amazing!!!

SUPER glad yall had lots o' fun!!!

we missed you here in blogland.

Unknown said...

Love the first two photo's pf the rocks, amazing. I've just come from Sherri's and so of course had to read what you had to say about the retreat. Sounds like you had a very busy, but fun time, and how nice that you were able to meet fellow bloggers.

Tina said...

What a fun time, and in such a beautiful setting. Glad to hear it was such a success!

Lady of the Cloth said...

Oh, it sounds like such fun, I haven't been to a retreat for such a long time and never one like that! The chance to meet so many women with the same hobby, wow. Maybe someday...wishful sigh here. Carline

Des said...

I've never been to Bryce Canyon. Looks amazing. I'll need to put that on the list.

I want to take a Freda class! *whining*

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh, It is so nice to have you home! we all missed you so. I was at Sherri's last night and she could not say enough good things. I am telling you now, whereever you go I will follow, you tell me where and when;I will be there. I have your dress pattern and after seeing Sherris, I need to get started, they are just to cute. Well, glad you had a wonderful time, enjoy you family and hope to "talk" soon .xoxo

Quilt Monkey said...

Sounds like a wonderful retreat! I just visited Bryce Canyon last August. Your pictures totally brought me back. I still can't get over how RED those mountains are. Beautiful against the deep blue sky. Every picture like a postcard. We stopped in to Ruby's and it looked like a nice place to stay. And to quilt!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Those photos of Bryce Canyon are better than some postcards!! What a gorgeous setting to be in for a retreat. Sounds like you had a great time and you can see on your face that you did!! I'll bet you are still smiling as you catch up now that you're home. That cartoon was a good morning chuckle. :-)

Unknown said...

sounds fabulous!!! glad you had a great time :)

Kaaren said...

Sounds like a wonderful time was had by all. Just wish I could have been there.

Thimbleanna said...

Wow! What a fabulous place to have a retreat! Bryce is one of my favorite places on the planet -- as far as I'm concerned, it's the National Park Service's best kept secret. I'm so glad you had such a great time!

Bonnie said...

I visited your blog after reading about your cute pot holders on another blog. I was excited to see that you are also from Utah. I have never heard about the retreat at Bryce Canyon. It sounds fun. I will have to look into it.

Sherri said...

I love the fun pictures of Shelbie in front of Ruby's Inn! Thank you so much for the kind words and especially for all of the inspiration! I'm already planning on going to Ruby's next year...and I so hope you'll be teaching more classes! Thanks also for the great fabrics...I've pulled them out of the bag twice since I've been home just to look at them!

Carrie P. said...

I know you had a good time. I have been seeing some of the quilts on other blogs. Such fun.

corry said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time..and what a stunning photo's of Bryce canyon. Another place I want to see!

corry said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful time..and what a stunning photo's of Bryce canyon. Another place I want to see!

corry said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sewtakeahike said...

welcome back Nanette! Glad you had a fabulous time!

Anonymous said...

This looks like SO much fun! I wish I could've been there. :( I've never been to a quilting retreat but sure hope to some day. And the aprons you're wearing in the photos are sooo cute! x

Nedra said...

Hi Nanette- It was so much fun being with you at Bryce! Thank you for all your kind words on your post. I am holding you to the promise that you will be this direction soon. You've put it in writing!
Today Judi and I are working on your purse, and we are HAVING SO MUCH FUN! Wish you were here.

Susan said...

Looks like a beautiful place--your photos are wonderful. I'll put Bryce Canyon on my list of places to visit for sure. How fun to meet bloggers and sew with friends.

Dawn said...

Helloooooo My Friend(s)!! I did have a fabulous time and can't wait to do it again! Your post was too kind. Love ya, Dawn

happy zombie said...

What an amazing experience! I got goose bumpy just thinkin' about you being there!

Candace said...

What a great time, Nanette and so nice that your hubby went with you! I love the two aprons you're wearing! What a great retreat - is it open to anyone or comprised of guild members?

Carla said...

Looks like so much fun. I'd love to do it one day. Love your photos. It was very beautiful there.

Cathi said...

Those pictures of the area where the retreat was are stunning. Unbelievably gorgeous landscape!!

Sounds like you had a great time.

Little Lady Patchwork said...

What a great turnout! I am so jealous! But I am glad that you had a great time.

Shari said...

It's so great that you had a fabulous time. Retreats are so much fun...

Jodi Nelson said...

Looks and sounds like you had a fab time! I've been to Ruby's! Way cool. ;o) Welcome back. We've missed you. ooxx`jod

alexx said...

wow, i think beeing there would havr been like heaven to me!

Khris said...

My husband and I visited Bryce Canyon late last year and about 3 years ago. We LOVE Bryce Canyong and nothing can compare to the beauty...I will never have enough words to describe how amazing Bryce Canyon is...Khris in Oz