Fabric Friday today is Vintage Friday

Have you heard about the incredibly destructive winds in the western US? It specifically hit northern Utah with a vengeance. My daughter lives north of Salt Lake and although damage to her home was minimal, her neighborhood and the surrounding areas have incredible damage (akin to the horrible season of my Philadelphia Eagles this year). Power is still off to my daughter's (Allison's mommy) home. They are staying with us right now. They have not been told when there power will be restored. You can read about some of the damage here. So Allison has been at our house almost all the week. Not just because the power was out but because we had been babysitting Allison during the week previous to the big storm. Consequently I don't really have much to show today. But I did think I would show you a little vintage fun from around my house. Of course these are off limits to Miss Allison!
Do any of you remember these tiny 10 cent nativities? I can remember getting one at a party when I was a child and also remember them covering shelves in Kresge and Woolworth. They are such good memory makers.
Speaking of memories, Notice the aluminum bell and the bubble light above. The bell feels and looks just like those aluminum drinking tumblers. We had dozens of those bubble lights on our tree when I was a kid. Every Christmas I would get burns from touching the lights. What kid could resist one touch? Dangerous by today's standards, though.
I thought I would lay out my vintage ornaments and take a photo. As I said previously, I do not decorate the tree with them. They are too fragile. But I love having them in jars and bowls to look at and admire.
This is a much safer way to keep my little vintage ornament collection even without Allison. Vintage Christmas is such a treasured childhood memory. I know it was stressful for my parents to afford and arrange every year but all I have is great memories of those times, thanks to loving parents.



AnnieO said...

The winds have been bad in parts of CA but luckily not in our county. So sorry to hear your daughter was affected and I hope the power gets restored soon. I saw on the news that there were 100 mph winds in Utah and Colorado! Wow.

Allison looks so much like you, I think! What a cutie.

Love your vintage ornaments--I have some huge sequined satin balls that my husband's grandmother made decades ago and I put them in a vintage punch bowl and on candle stands to display. They are just beautiful.

CreationsForEleanor said...

Okay, if the winds are as bad as the Eagles season they are beyond devastating! At least you get some fun out of it, Eagles season, not so much!

Unknown said...

I remember buying the nativities at a local hardware store to give to my Mother. Brought back sweet memories :) Allison is a doll!

Lynn said...

What a good idea, putting old ornaments in a glass jar, I may have to steal this one, I like seeing them out, but they are so fragile (I'm an expert at breaking them).

Nedra said...

I feel so out of the loop being in AZ now. Thanks for letting us know about the power outages. I hope all is back to normal soon, although the blessing is having Allison with you. It was nice to see my daughter's good friend Shara Park doing the news story.

strawberrycream39 said...

I love your vintage ornaments Nanette. Allison is so adorable! I hope things get better in your daughter's neighborhood soon...how terrible! I'm glad they're ok though.

West Michigan Quilter said...

Allison is precious! So cute! I used to live in California and I know how bad those Santa Ana winds can be. Makes me think Michigan isn't so bad after all.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I DO remember the little nativities. I had forgotten them. And I saw that some stores had the bubble lights last year. I resisted though. Glad your daughter has place where she and her family are safe and loved!

trish said...

Dont you just love the endearing memories that surface this time of year? Your ornaments are so pretty. I remember seeing my grandparents house lit up with Christmas lights, the large ones. I cant imagine what their power bill must have been for December. :0) It was lime a wonderland to me ... their home tucked in the mountains, lit up. :0)

Corrie said...

I've heard about the winds & snow. Will go read more.

Your vintage ornaments are wonderful, so pretty. Just got our tree & house decorated. It's nice to have that done. Bring on the holidays!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Have been so busy decorating trees that I haven't followed much news. Didn't realize that the winds had affected your area, too. Not fun! But how fortunate that you have power and Allison and mommy can stay with you! I have one of those little 10cent Nativities. I treasure it and so remember them at Woolworths and Kresges. I have one that is about five times bigger that was my grandma's. My mom gave it to me last summer and I just came across it this evening when I was digging at the bag of my Christmas closet. The box is worn and the little scene needs the sheep reglued but it's still sweet. I also have one bubble light from my Grandma's tree. She had them but we only had the big lights on our tree. Oh, and like you, times I know weren't easy but my folks made it all seem wonderful. I have wonderful memories of Christmas as a kid in the 50's and 60's. :-)

Karen H said...

I hope the winds die down and power can be restored quickly to your daughter's home.

I remember receiving one of those nativity sets as a gift after the Sunday School Christmas program at church. All the kids in Sunday School received them. I know it's still in amongst the Christmas decorations that my dad has. This makes me want to find it!

Your little Allison is sure a cutie!

Thimbleanna said...

Oooooh, look at all those gorgeous vintage Christmas ornaments -- I'm sooo envious. I love all the pretty colors!

I hadn't heard about the winds. (Although I did chuckle when you compared them to your Eagles -- such a funny connection!) I remember one year in Ogedn when I was a little girl -- a nasty windstorm howled and raged all night and it was scary. The next morning, several of our neighbors were without roofs. Not just shingles -- whole roofs! Hope Allison's Mom gets her power restored soon!

Sharleen said...

Your granddaughter is darling! It's the best to be a grandma. I really like how you put your vintage ornaments on a jar! I have some vintage ornaments that I may do the same with. Thanks for sharing!

Sherry said...

Sorry to hear about the winds in your daughter's area. Hope power is restored by this post. Allison is a sweetie. I love the idea of old ornies in bowls & jars. Loved seeing your pics. Have a great weekend!

Barbara said...

Ornaments in a jar seem like a very good idea (and pretty, too!) Hope you're enjoying your Christmas season!