Happy Halloween

3:04:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

I hope you are having a fun and safe Halloween.  I think of some the children on the east coast that won't get to celebrate Halloween this year and my heart goes out to those families.   Halloween holds great memories for me as a child.  We would go out trick-or-treating 2 nights.  Everyone did that where I grew up in Pennsylvania.  Halloween was a big deal. I'm blessed to have my daughter Whitney and her 2 girls living with us.  We are happy to have them and

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London 2012 - a Finish

7:29:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 44 comments

I was pretty excited to finish my London 2012 quilt but even more excited when my fabulous machine quilter, Wren Woodland (Sew Small Sitches, contact info at the end of the page), called to tell me my London quilt was ready to pick-up.  Wren did an amazing job.  I can't say enough about how her beautiful quilting enhanced my quilt top.  Her custom artistic long arm skills brought out all aspects of the quilt blocks, to my delight. I finished hand stitching the binding this weekend.  And all

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Dress Buttons

8:45:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

I'm unveiling my next block in my new quilt project using Pam's fabric.  The quilt will have basic quilt blocks along with a little applique.  I like to do both in projects. I love little dresses.  So I brought them into this quilt by slightly changing a past project. Pam's fabric is sew beautiful and versatile.  I love using it in my blocks.  I'm using faux buttons I found here.  There are lots of sellers for the little button appliques if you look in etsy.com.  I've used real

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Bow Basket

7:29:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 15 comments

I had a busy weekend.  How about you?  Saturday morning I went to a neighboring town and did a small trunk show and pattern making chat to a long arm quilting group for my friend and machine quilter, Wren.  It was nice to meet with those ladies.  It is always fun to talk to quilters. I managed to get a bit of sewing done.  I'm progressing with my new quilt/pattern and enjoying every minute of it.  This block I'm calling Bow Basket.  Of course it is made with

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Half-Hearted with Pam Kitty Love

8:00:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 15 comments

I'm on my way with my next pattern using Pam's latest line of fabric as the star.  I've proofed my blocks with other fabric along the way but I'll show you my latest blocks using Pam Kitty Love. This block is called half-hearted and is a very simple 2 fabric block that works up really quickly. It is fun to see how the block changes with different fabrics. Fun to sew and more fun to look at.

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Pam Kitty Love by LakeHouse

8:16:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

I've been waiting and planning for Pam's latest fabric with Holly and Lakehouse.  This line is everything I love in fabric and Pam and Holly have a hit on their hands. Friday I received a fantastic package with cuts from all Pam's line "Pam Kitty Love".  Look at that stack!  Yummy. This line exceeds all expectations and it fits perfectly with the drawings and ideas I've been planning for it. The fabric will be out in stores in December.  This will give everyone plenty of time to sew

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Lori's Apples Started

10:22:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

Lori has the next row up in the Row-A-Long tutorials she's hosting at her blog.  This row is apples.  And they are mighty delicious.  You must go check it out. If I don't keep up with each row, I won't complete this project, and I'm really trying to not start new things I don't have time to complete.  So when Lori put up the directions on Wednesday, I snagged some time to go cut my pieces out.  And per usual, I missed a few things and had to go back

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More Patchwork

1:56:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 11 comments

Last week I exclaimed my love for patchwork.   I even ordered a patchwork iPhone case for my new phone.  I was so happy to have found this case. I really like this Japanese Patchwork magazine.  It offers great inspiration. These patchwork pieces are more 9-patch blocks I've been making to add to the 120 blocks I need for the king-sized quilt I'm making.  I love these colors and fabrics.

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Fabric Friday Pam Kitty Morning

9:44:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 7 comments

You know how much I love PKM fabric.  It is fabric I would design for myself if I had gumption, talent and Holly.  Pam's new fabric is coming out at the end of the year and I'm super excited for her (and me).   Pam is having a preview giveaway for some of her button card fabric.  You gotta run over to Pam's blog and get in on this chance for button fabric.  What could be cuter than vintage button cards set to fabric?  Love it.

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9-Patch Blocks

7:20:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

It seems like I'm always starting new projects but only finishing half of them.  And I'm always on a crusade to stop myself from doing this.  However, holidays approach, so be ware that there may be more of this bad quilting behavior.  So of course this means I've started a new project, yet again. I do love 2.5" squares and patchwork.  I'm always excited about showing off fabric by just using squares.  It is the foundation of my quilt making/designing.  And I just can't help myself.  I love

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Freda's Hive Family Retreat

7:13:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 15 comments

The hive has been so busy in September.  Last weekend was my annual retreat for family members and it was fun and wonderful to be with family.  I regret I didn't take the time to take many photos.  We were so busy and the time just flew by. Good food is always part of the fun.  Everyone pitches in.  Cake is a big part of the tradition. My niece Tricia finished her Freda's Beehive quilt.  It turned out great Tricia.  My sister Michelle made a queen sized Beehive

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