Hey Georgie!

6:29:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

You know I've been excited about the newest little Royal.  I think King George is a great (future) name and title.  I'm proud of my 1/4 English heritage so I claim little George as our future king. In honor of George I drew up a little pram block.  This is the rough draft of pram 1. This is a rough draft of pram 2.  I prefer pram 1.  I'm thinking I may try another rework.  However, I wish I hadn't used my cute red crown fabric on my

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Lunch with Thimbleanna

7:19:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 20 comments

One of the best parts of having a blog is connecting with women like me.  I've met some wonderful women over the past 6 years.  I'm so grateful one of those talented and amazing women is Thimbleanna.  Anna's blog was one of the first few I read way back in 2006 (? has it been that long?)  We live states apart so we don't get together that often.  I was excited she was visiting Utah this summer and I am so glad our schedules meshed together.  My daughter

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News Flash....IRON UPDATE.....

8:44:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 11 comments

Over 2 months ago I posted about my new irons.  You can read the post here.  Now most of you know an iron is one of a quilters top 5 most important tools.  Right? So this cute Hamilton Beach iron is not a quilter's iron. It would be good for the sometime user that doesn't need a solid heavier weight iron.  I have it with my bigger ironing board so my kids can press clothes, when needed.  Light use only.
I'm very happy to report that I

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Honey of a Finish

7:07:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

Well, almost a finish...... This is my 2nd (and final?) STAW quilt.  You can see it is almost finished.  The right lower binding just needs a leeetle more hand work.  Things are going on around here so my time to bind is sorta limited.  And my granddaughters always come before sewing, but I absolutely will get this quilt done soon.
I really like he small green gingham binding (Lakehouse).  It really works.  The back is a cream flannel.  When the quilt is bound, I am going

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Scrap Happy Summer 2013 - String Spool Quilt

5:20:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

My friend Emily from Em's Scrapbag asked me if I wanted to participate in her Scrap Happy Summer 2013.  Of course I said yes.  I adore scrap quilts and they are the heart of my love of quilting.  She asked me to present my FAVORITE scrap quilt.  My favorite?  How can I choose a favorite?  That is like asking me which of my 8 children I like the best.  Impossible.  I took a really long long time to decide.  But I ended up choosing a quilt for lots

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London 2013

6:54:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

Last year I made the London 2012 quilt in the header of my blog, above.  I loved making the quilt and I blended the Olympics with the Queen's Diamond Jubilee.  That quilt is a "one of" and I never intended to make another one or draw up a pattern for it.   But, I've changed my mind.  With the Royal Baby coming any time now, and so many lovely compliments and questions about a pattern for my London 2012 quilt, I decided to make a new London 2013

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Fabric From Cindy Through Sandi

9:17:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 8 comments

My friend Sandi is one of the most generous, serving, and loving people.  She is always doing things to serve her community, family and everyone she meets.  She's a great example to me. Recently I received a package from Sandi with fabric that is pretty special.  Sandi was the caretaker to her friend Cindy's fabric.  You can read about it HERE.   And Sandi is sharing Cindy's bee fabric with me.  The bees are really cute.  The pink gingham is my favorite.
There was also this strawberry fabric

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This is the Story about a Boy named Mason and his Quilt

6:49:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 42 comments

Most of my regular readers know I am the mom of 7 daughters and 1 son.  My son Mason is the youngest.  Crazy, right?  I know.  What was I thinking? Mason is really kookie, self confident, witty, cute, smart, quick, and generally a great kid.  Don't tell him I said that.  His head is big enough.  Mason has always been so gregarious.  Even as a little kid we would walk through the grocery store and he'd know people I didn't know.  They would say: "Hi Mason" and I

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Happy 4th of July

3:53:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 10 comments

If you are in the USA, Happy Independence Day. I love making flags.  Where ever we live we all have a flag to celebrate our country. I'm so grateful that my ancestors made the sacrifies to give me the life I have.  They all left family and friends to come to America and laid the foundation for me and my family -nanette

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Scrappy Trips Around the World Done (first one)

6:50:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 49 comments

It has taken me forever to make this post.  Blogger seems so messed up today.  And today is the first day of no Google Reader (:-() I have hand stitched the binding on this quilt for weeks so I'm really glad to finish it.  It is 96X96 so you can see why it has taken solong. We aren't exactly having hand binding weather around here.  We are having a heat wave of 100+. I know so many bloggers made the scappy trips quilt so it may be boring

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