Fabric From Cindy Through Sandi

My friend Sandi is one of the most generous, serving, and loving people.  She is always doing things to serve her community, family and everyone she meets.  She's a great example to me.
Recently I received a package from Sandi with fabric that is pretty special.  Sandi was the caretaker to her friend Cindy's fabric.  You can read about it HERE.   And Sandi is sharing Cindy's bee fabric with me.  The bees are really cute.  The pink gingham is my favorite.
There was also this strawberry fabric in the box.  I love love strawberries.  Do you ever wonder what would happy to your stash if you passed away?  I think about that sometimes. Sometimes when I'm working with vintage fabrics I like to think I'm making the original owner of the fabric proud.
There was also some great hive fabrics in the box, too.  I enjoy everything bees and hives, of course.  And I'm always thinking of new projects I can make bee themed.  I'd like to think Cindy knows her fabric is being enjoyed and that Sandi has done a great job with the honor and responsibility of taking care of the fabric stash.  Thanks so much for thinking of me Sandi.
Sandi always thinks of my 2 granddaughters and she sent these stickers for Allison. I'm going to use them this weekend when I spend time with the girls and play stickers.

Happy weekend all.  We have rain here - much needed.  I love the rain.



jan said...

That was so sweet for her to pass on those fabrics, especially the ones she knew that you would love. My scrappy trips quilt has alot of my grandmothers and aunts fabrics in it. That quilt is probaly my favorite because of that. Have a fun weekend.
xo jan

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

I didn't even need to look what Sandi you were referring to Nanette - Sandi is well know all over blogdom for her generous nature. Have fun with Allison.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

I was so touched by reading Sandi's post about her friend(s). Sandi is a very kind person...and so are you.

I can easily see why you are all friends. Hearts united in love for fabric and Christ.

Blessings always

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

You know I have thought of just that thing. I hope that mine is passed on to someone who will enjoy it and love it and make wonderful things. You will do her fanric proud. She is smiling at you and Sandie.
Have fun with your grandbabies !

trish said...

Oh Nanette. My heart felt so heavy reading her post. Bless her heart to be the keeper of her dear friends fabric and for you to receive such dear pieces. What a special gift. :0)

Truffle queen said...

I have a friend who told her daughter that if anything happens to her - she's to call me to "deal" with all her fabric and sewing "stuff"! She knows I'll take good care of it - but I don't want to even think about it! My daughter will need to add on to her house to "take care" of my fabric, patterns, you name it! Guess I need to start to give it away NOW! Have fun with the stickers!!

dream quilt create said...

How sweet that Sandi is the caretaker of her friend's fabric stash! It's very satisfying to give fabric to those who appreciate it. Sandi knows you well :). The pink gingham is my favorite too!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

It's late Sunday evening and I am doing a little blog reading. Popped over to your blog and here was this sweet post about the fabric I sent you. Oh, Cindy would be so happy that someone is going to enjoy those fabrics as much as she would have. Your post made me smile. And then the comments made me smile, too. I'm sure Cindy is smiling, too. :-)