Another Week....

I keep thinking I will get on top of my life.  And maybe I should just realize this is the new reality. 
 Lizzie had a very bad week but is finally doing better.  Any cardiac testing/surgery has been put off a bit until her immune system is back from the effects of flu and dehydration.  Poor Lizzie. But she is really starting to get better. We are seeing lots of smiles return.
This last weekend Dave and his nephew Bryan harvested our second lot of honey from our hives.  It wouldn't really be Freda's Hive without honey, right?  
Of course we only have enough to use and give to a few people but it is fun to think this honey came from our yard and our hive.
I eeked out a few more blocks for London 2013.  I particularly like this blue and red house.
This brown house looks a bit off.  But I'll try to fix it up before stitching it with the other houses.
We've had some days of rain.  Allison is obsessed with jumping in puddles.  Early one morning she saw it raining from the window.  She grabbed her rain gear and insisted I follow her outside to play in the light sprinkle and watch her splash.  



Unknown said...

Ah, the beauty of children. Hugs for a sick child. Always so stressful for the family.
Love the rain photo. Our grand son now grown, loved storms. loved is the operative word.

http://thankfullga447 said...

Hugs and prayers for your sweet grand child. My son loved the rain and loved putting his boots on, now his own daughter does the same thing. She is always wearing her boots.
Love honey.

Needled Mom said...

I am keeping Lizzie in my prayers, Freda. These are stressful times for all, I am sure.

Ahhh....the simple joy of standing in the rain! Gotta love the way children think.

Your houses look terrific as does the honey.

Thimbleanna said...

Awww, poor little Lizzie -- I hope she's feeling better this week. Your blocks look cute -- can't wait to see the quilt as you're putting it together. And isn't Allison a cutie! Puddle jumping is mandatory at her age, isn't it?

erica e said...

I love your London Houses. So fun. And kids are the most important thing, aren't they? Quilts and creative outlets are secondary (but also important!!).

Lynn said...

Well of course, who wouldn't want to run outside and play in the rain in that very adorable rainy day wear. Purple boots!!! Lizzie is looking adorable and happy, despite being sick. Love the new blocks and I really like the honey bears, we just got a hive earlier this summer, I love watching the bees from our porch, they are fascinating zipping from their hive over the house over the trees.
I'm with you on wanting to get ahead or on top of my life. But truth is with a baby in the house everything is quite different, happy but different. Yesterday I sewed for 3o minutes, and got most of my housework done, a banner day! So I've decided to take each day as a pleasant new surprise.

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

I think a lot of us are adjusting to the "new normal". I know we are. I wouldn't say it's what we want, but we (and you) are well able to get through it! Your second generation girls are both just beautiful, and I think Allison's rain gear is perfection!

karen @ badlandsquilts said...

Best wishes for Lizzie and her continued improvement.

Nice house blocks.

Mary said...

Please know you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. All will be well. Your houses are so sweet. Can't wait to see the quilt when it is all put together. Gotta love that honey!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh to be a cold again and jump in puddles! I bet your honey tastes yummy. So glad to hear Lizzie is on the road to feeling better. I just want to kiss those little cheeks. Please do that for me!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh gosh I forgot say how much I like your new blocks!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

Playing in the rain can be so refreshing! Allison is adorable in her rain gear. Glad Lizzie is doing better. Strange how life seems to just get buzzier and dizzier all the time, doesn't it? Take care. Little package going off to Allison later this week. :-)

Tammy said...

What beautiful children. You are so blessed. Love your new blocks... Boy does that honey look delicious.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

Prayers for sweet little Lizzie that she will be well very soon. She is so adorable. Blessings to her always.

Awww Allison cracks me up. She is so cute out there having fun in the rain. Blessing to her always, as well.

Your blocks are lovely. I am so looking forward to seeing your quilt. You are super talented and it's always such a pleasure to read your blog and share in your life.

Blessings to you and all your sweet family dear friend

Lindsay said...

I think Allison will be just like Bryan once she's old enough to drive... he loved jumping in puddles and now his favorite thing ever is driving right through them! :)

Truffle queen said...

Love the house blocks! Poor little Lizzie - you must have been frantic when she was so sick. Such a sweet little babe! To be young again and jump in puddles! Maybe tomorrow - it's supposed to rain! There must be a link to quilters and bee keepers - a good friend does the same thing! She's even making chap stick!

donna said...

Many hugs to Lizzy. Hope she gets to feeling better soon. She is so precious. You house blocks turned out super cute. I am loving watching them grow. Oh boy sweet Allison has a purple rain coat and boats how sweet, I love it. Your grand babies are just adorable.

pratima said...

Lizzie is adorable! So nice to know she is feeling better. Wishing her a speedy recovery. Allison in her purple rain outfit is a doll! What a fun time to play in puddles!
Your Town houses are charming, Nanette! You have such a keen eye to mix fabrics and make them shine.