Fun things

My friends Flora and Syd came to visit and see my sewing room. (I have been quite the show-off) And they came bearing gifts. What can be better? Flora and Syd are also in my quilt group. Flora brought me cute ornamental scissors to decorate my room. She got them when she took a trip to Lancaster County, Pennsylvania last fall to tour Amish quilt country with Bonnie Miles. The scissors were brought from Intercourse, Pennsylvania, which is close to where I grew up. That's a fabulous trip and she had a great time. I was jealous, still am.

Syd, who knows my love of teapots and all things vintage, found these iron on appliques (made of fabric) at a local thrift store (DI). They are just darling. The original tag is still on one of them and it says "Grants" .49 cents. How great is that? There are 2 packages and so I will use one to make and applique some kitchen towels. I can put rick rack on them and they will look great in my "new" kitchen (sorta like the ones below). I think the other package I will keep on my shelf as a fun decoration. Thanks girls. I love both gifts.

We had sunshine today and no snow so I could actually get out and do a few things. I went to Broadbents in Lehi. Its a very old store that has a great quilt shop. Laurel from our quilt group was working there today. Its always fun to see a friend at the quilt store. I saw these valentine kitchen towels from Moda and had to get them. How could I pass up vintage valentines? They are so sweet. I would have hung them in the kitchen when I got home but Dave and Laurie have been in there all day hanging cupboard doors and polishing the door pulls. So I'll wait until that is all done. Yay.

At our quilt group Tuesday they talked about this sizing and what a great product it is as an alternative to starch. Our group is making 'Dear Jane' and 'Omigosh' (scroll down the page until you see Omigosh) quilts this year and it helps prep the fabric to cut the teeny tiny strips required for these quilts. I got the one that smells like citrus. We'll have to see how it works. I have committed to make only a doll sized 'Omigosh'. Everyone says they are so fun but I'm scared to death. I always like to learn new things though so I will try it. - nanette
Most of the kitchen cabinets are on!! So I hung my new towels.


Darlene said...

Perfect gifts! :-)

I saw the Omigosh quilt in Paducah three years ago and it stopped me dead in my tracks. I love it and still wish I'd purchased the pattern. Sigh!

Thimbleanna said...

The cabinet doors look great and those valentine towels are adorable -- I'm going to be on the lookout for them!!! Darlene and thimbles are cracking me up -- I had to do a double take when I saw that picture!

michelle said...

Wow the cabinets look great. they look brand new. I can imagine how great it feel to finally get your kitchen back. The towels look great and add to the new look