Elephants in Las Vegas!


I visited some friends in Vegas and Phoenix over the weekend and was so excited to try out (again) the elephant pattern from this book. It was hardly easy going because I get frustrated, but I was so thrilled to get them done in and time and so happy to see them in the hands of my friends.

The quilt was a lot of fun once I got going, but I also had to be nursed through it by my mom. It was staggered strips of fabric and I just loved how it all came together. It has a minky back and is so cuddly and soft! - natalie


Ginger Patches said...

Wow! Good job, I need to get that book I have 2 ladies to make baby quilts for and I think that elephant would be a perfect addition! And I love that quilt--thanks for sharing :)

michelle said...

Gee Natalie you better watch out or you are going to get as good as your Mom in your quilting and picking out material skills. Really cute quilt and elephants.

Yummers! said...

Great job with the elephants and the quilt. Love the colors too.

Joanna said...

My little boy would just love to have some of those elephants! Thanks for sharing your book recommendation! I'm going to have to get it now!

Anonymous said...

Bojour! your elephants are fantastic! sure my children would have the same! I like all your Matriochkas, they are really cute!! Have a nice day!!
Kisses from France!

Rima said...

My boyfriend loves elephants! Your elephants are super cute. I need to learn how to make them.