Wowie. I can't believe the year is flying by and we are almost in August. My youngest 2 kids go back to school in 3 weeks. Yikes. I'm not ready for that yet.
Fabric Friday is kind of a potpourri today. (Potpourri is a word I don't think I've ever typed. Weird.)
Flora brought me a little present of this Heather Ross fabric sample set. This is fabric I've always thought was very cute and of course I love the matryoshkas. Thanks Flora. I'll probably fussy cut this for lots
I thought I would split the Tuesday night quilt group into 2 posts. This post is about the show-n-tell. Part II will be Monday. I'm going to spread out the fun.
These quilts are from members of our wonderful group. I am way to busy taking pictures to write down names and creators of quilts during the meeting. So just enjoy with no commentary.
Except I will say this quilt from Flora speaks to me. Love it.
And I really enjoyed this quilt so much. Look at the quilting! It is
Thimbleanna was one of the first blogs I started reading more than 2 1/2 years ago, well before I even dreamed of having a blog myself. I was impressed by her talent, wit and ability to connect with other women like myself. In fact Thimbleanna, PamKittyMorning and LizzyHouse were some of the first blogs to inspire me. And they still do. Last week Anna came to visit her family that live around my local area and I was hoping to get to meet her along with our friend
When I was in Star Valley for vacation earlier this month I brought home a few UFO projects from my sister Michelle.
A few years ago Michelle and one of her sister-in-laws embroidered these blocks.
And they need to be completed, they are so cute! I have a few ideas of things I can do to make a little quilt out of the blocks. It will be fun and easy with reproduction fabrics and a vintage feel.
Michelle also had a quilt she had started to make but with no outer
It was kind of a busy weekend and sewing was not the main event for me. Unfortunately.
I made some quick gifts to go with homemade bread I made today. Those flour sack towels come in very handy when you buy them in bulk.
I used some of my Flower Sugar fabric for a table topper out of the pattern I'm developing. Has anyone been able to buy this fabric anywhere yet? It is so beautiful. I've enjoyed using it so much and when I cut into it I get
Do you know Lurline from the quilting world down under? If not, you should. Definitely.
The very sweet and talented Lurline sent me a lovely gifty this week. Unexpected really. She blogged about making it for a special someone but I dared not to hope it was me.
Lurline has been making wonderful pincushions and showing them on her blog. I've been admiring them.
And she sent me this Pink Lady! What a beautiful apple. Thank you so much Lurline. It has a very special place on my little display of
Here are my 3 youngest kids below. No we are not polygamists. I want to make that perfectly clear up front before anyone goes further in this post. Again, I repeat, we are not weirdos or polygamists.
Left to right Jamie (18), Laurie (16) and Mason (14). My kids are gone all week at something called "Trek". It is a pioneer reenactment (of sorts) to teach kids about sacrifice and other values sometimes missed in our day-to-day culture and society. It is a time for kids to shut out