Fabric Friday Good Bye January

9:21:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 26 comments

As stated the other day, I'm glad to wave goodbye to January. So much is going on in February that I will be super busy. But it is all good stuff.
So, onto fabric. You know I love vintage, love kitchen fabric and I love novelty. This reproduction mid century kitchen print fits all of my loves. I found it at Sew Mama Sew. It is made in Japan.
I really like the colors and shapes and all the kitchen utensils. I like the offset of the print colors, scale,

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January Meeting Alpine Quilt Group

6:42:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 35 comments

Our first meeting of the year was a complete sell-out. Not a seat left in the room. It was nice to have some new faces. Paula and Flora always say some people try us out and they "stick" and some just drift away. Everyone is welcome at our quilt group. We meet the last Tuesday of every month (except December) at 8:00 PM.
Jina and Paula discussing our group quilt for the year 2010. Jina has designed it and the quilt blocks are free for anyone. Jina has

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More work on Red Riding Hood

7:32:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 40 comments

Thank you Thank you for all your support and sweet comments on my last post with the spool tutorial. I have been busy and haven't responded to comments but I'm so grateful for all your input. The tutorial was picked up by Whip Up. It is always really fun to share something I enjoy and have people like it. Thank you.
So I've been working on my Red Riding Hood quilt. I finished little Red and the basket blocks. So now I'm on to my next 2 blocks. The

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String Spool Tutorial

6:44:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 103 comments

Last Friday I showed my spool quilt from scraps and strings of fabric that I made several years ago.
I had so many sweet comments and also some questions so I decided to do a little tutorial showing you how incredibly simple it is to make this spool block.
I pulled pinks from my scrap bin making sure they were at least 4 1/2" in length and various widths. I cut a neutral fabric with 2 strips 4 1/2" x 1 1/2" and 4 squares 1 1/2". You can use

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7:55:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 36 comments

Life is sometimes just a big Wack-A-Mole game. You just get one mole wacked and another pops up!

After Christmas I thought I had a cold but it ended up being full blown influenza. However, I'm recovering and feeling mostly like myself now. So it has kind of put a kink in my after Christmas sewing.
Last week my daughter Tracey was visiting from Oklahoma where she and her husband live/work and attend school. It was really nice having her with us as we really missed them at Christmas.

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