This is really a dull post and I apologize. I have fun stuff going on but the secrecy of market projects is getting stale I know. I feel fall and Christmas gently stalking me so I need to get these market projects done and move on or go back to my started projects. Time is moving rapidly and between now and Christmas there will be mad rushes from all of us to complete projects.
This is the back shot in a blur of my Dresden plate made with
Our 2 day family retreat was all about Freda. It is impossible to express my feelings about bringing our mother and grandmother into our little sewing event. There was no doubt about all of us feeling her spirit with us.
Saturday during our lunch break I gave a trunk show for the girls. It was really fun to show them my quilts that have spanned more than 12 years. They were so kind to oooh and ahhh in the proper places!
I had to swipe some pictures from
Friday and Saturday last week was our first Freda's Retreat with daughters and granddaughters of Freda Nielson Breton, my mother. I was inspired to have a family retreat when I heard Jill Finley lecture and read her book. I am really happy to share the talents I picked up through my mother to the other women in the family. Above is my Freda's Flowers quilt, which was our project for the retreat. In my entry table is a photo of Freda, our favors and patterns in the giant
So Blogger has new editiing capabilities. Let's just say "ABOUT TIME!". And I hope the features work (for me) and I learn to figure out how to use them. As most of you know I'm hosting a quilt retreat today and tomorrow at my house for my sisters and nieces that want to learn to quilt. Our theme is "Freda" for this retreat. And we'll be making my "Freda's Flower's" quilt using jelly rolls. I've been thinking a lot about jelly rolls since I was in the sampler quilt
Friday and Saturday this week we are having a Breton Women Quilt Retreat at my house. Breton is my maiden name (Slovak name). I have 4 sisters. This is an opportunity for the women in our family to get together and honor our mother and grandmother Freda in sewing together. I'm so excited about it and I got the idea from Jill Finley's lecture and book.
The sisters/moms decidid we would bring a few door prizes. I purchased some white bath sheets at a local discount store. And I
I've had my Jelly Roll Sampler Quilt back from being machine quilted for a couple weeks now but I've been consumed with market projects. I am still working my next deadline before market but I took an afternoon to get my Jelly Roll quilt bound. I needed a break.
I had the sampler quilted with strawberries since that was the theme of the quilt. It is hard to tell from the photographs but I really like it.
You might be able to pick out some blossoms and leaves from this
During my day with Lori Holt we stopped in to see the new location for the Quilting Cottage in American Fork, Utah.
Just last weekend the store moved next door. So it is still located right by the library. The new shop is full of light and everything is organized really well. They are still getting things situated but it will be great. You can see it was a lovely day to be shopping with Lori.
My wonderful friend Suzanne manages the shop and does a lovely job. It
The famous, talented and lovely Lori Holt and I have planned a date together for months. Both of us have very busy schedules and it was challenging to find time that worked for both of us. So it was with much anticipation that we got together yesterday.
Here is Lori in my sewing room. We didn't have anyone to take a pic of us together. And believe it or not I forgot my camera when we went on our adventure. So go to Lori's blog to see some
I can't say enough about the machine quilting in my projects for International Quilt Market in Houston next month. Most of you know I am making projects for RJR's latest "Everything But the Kitchen Sink" fabric - 30's fabric line. I showed you a bit of my table topper already, done in an edge to edge pattern called feathered flowers by Wendy of Eagle Mountain Quilting. She did perfect job for the table topper.
My custom quilter Wren of Sew Small Sitches just finished my main market quilt. I