Cotton Lace Cami

This is a camisole pattern that I kind of made up using my own measurements, and a lace pattern that I got after reading a purl blog entry.

I tried this after reading the book Fitted Knits by Stefanie Japel. It was pretty awesome because I have a larger bust, and a very short waist, and I sometimes have a hard time finding shirts -- especially camisoles that fit.

Below is a close-up picture of the lace-work.



LizzyHouse said...

are you trying to tell me that you knit this yourself? If so, Holy CoW! I am so impressed... I'm really left handed so no one will teach me to knit, and who is to say that I even could... great job! and congrats of the new blog!

Nanette Merrill said...

Thanks -- I'm left handed too, and really left handed as well. Learning to crochet was a pain, but knitting is easier, and knitting continental style (which is arguably faster and more efficient) is easier for lefties.