Who is Freda and what is her hive?


Freda is our mother and grandmother who through her 79 years on earth inspired our family with her creativity and ingenuity. Freda sewed everything her 5 daughters wore including coats, swimsuits and wedding dresses with incredible professionalism and care (she also sewed some groovy 70's suits and ties for grandpa). She made all the curtains, drapes, and slipcovers in the house. Freda quilted and cross-stitched countless items for children and grandchildren. She knitted and crocheted sweaters and even leg warmers. A sit-down dinner was made and served promptly every night. She served her church in every possible capacity and calling. None of her children can ever remember Freda being just idle. And she tried her best to teach her 5 daughters to do the same.

This blog is dedicated to her and her talent she passed down to us. We are the Merrills. I am Nanette Merrill and the youngest daughter of Freda. I have 7 daughters and 1 son. Hopefully all 8 of the females in our family will have a chance to post and show our creations and ideas. We are calling this blog a hive because as you can imagine our home is always full of activity and everyone has to be a creative worker bee.


chq said...

Hooray for you, your blog & first post. Welcome to this side of the blogging world. Soon you will see everything in a new light - you'll say, should I blog about that, or ask yourself it it's blog worthy.

Welcome, welcome!


LizzyHouse said...

yay!!! I am so glad that you guys pulled the troops together, and got the show on the road! I can't wait to see what you have going on!

The House's love the Merrills!

CJ said...

Awwww, what a sweet tribute to your mom and grandmother. How did she get it all done? WOW! Sounds very much like my mom in many ways. Thanks for sharing that and pointing me to this post. I think I will have to give my mom a tribute post in the future. She was a big influence in my sewing and being a SAHM.

rachel griffith said...

that was the sweetest thing written.

Tracey said...

That was a sweet story about your family. I always look at your blog. It's always interesting. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I appreciate it. Hugs

Maggey and Jim said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog.. Your Mother is a well-liked blogger..What a legacy to hand down generation after generation.. Will visit your blog too..

Em said...

I love the quotes about Christ at the bottom of this post and thank you! I saw the beehive for your symbol and thought, "Utah". I live in St. George. Drop on by and send a text to GOd on my giveaway I am hosting. Happy Valentines' Day, Em

Patti Johnson said...

Do you still have the Johnny & Buck fabric in the brushed cotton available? If so, would you be interested in selling it? I'm trying to finish a baby quilt top with this fabric line and have run short on this fabric ... please let me know. Thanks so much, Patti Johnson