Knitted Green Bolero


This is one of my first projects I knitted. I used Blue Sky Alpaca yarn and one of their patterns that I modified to add a tie in front and change the stripe. I loved the lacy pattern in the bolero but it was a challenge for me. I am happy with how it finished and love to wear it. - shelbie


Thimbleanna said...

Gosh Nanette -- I've missed your last several posts -- somehow I didn't get your blog picked up on my bloglines -- I hope I have that fixed now! Love the sweater, paint color and tumbling blocks -- ou've sure been busy!

Anonymous said...

Oh it's gorgeous! You should be super proud to wear that. :)


michelle said...

Shelby you look stunning in that Bolero. So cute and to think you made it. What talent those Merrill girls have too bad you can't pass it down to your aunt.