
12:53:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

October means cake. We celebrated the cake part joining Shelbie and Laurie's birthdays. The cake turned out so cute. Lehi Bakery, again.
The pic of Halloween past in homemade costumes. This was 15 years ago in a rental home while we were building our existing house. I was still pregnant with Mason. It is funny now to look at this picture and pick out personalities as they are now older/adults and connect to the kids they were. Tracey (back row far left) was sick that Halloween. She had strep.

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Fun Fabric for Friday

8:54:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 34 comments

Sew Mama Sew has some great new fabric from Lecien. It is by designer Rosalie Quinlan. This fabric speaks to me.
It is called Grandmother's Flower Garden and it comes in several colorways. The yellow with the teapots and flowers/fruit/house/bird/etc. is my favorite.
If there was a perfect line for my patterns - this would be it. Can't you see teapots and little houses and kitchens out of this fabric? I will definitely have to make another Kettles in the Kitchen quilt with this.
The pink is very cute too. I

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Jodi to the Rescue!

8:32:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 29 comments

I'm such a fan of the 'post ahead' option on blogger and I'm using it today. I'm probably playing "nanny" while you read this. I've really never wanted to be called grandma so I'm hoping the family will get used to calling me Nanny. It just seems to fit me.
Well after my struggles last week with the whirligig, Jodi of Pleasant Home came to my rescue!! Thanks so much Jodi. I totally get by with a little help from my friends. And this made all the difference in

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October is Birthday Month

8:07:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 24 comments

Happy Birthday Laurie.
Today is Laurie's birthday. She's 17. Laurie may be the 7th of 8 in our family but she's an original and completely her own girl.
It is hard to get Laurie (right) in a photo alone because she gets along with everyone in the family so well.
To be fair, we have now 5 birthdays in October. Shelbie (left) will have her birthday on Halloween. Tracey and Whitney (next in photo) had their birthday on the 21st. And today is Laurie's (the one with the hands up) birthday.

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Yes! We have a baby

7:36:00 PM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 102 comments

Brand new baby and Grandmother here. Yes it is exciting and wonderful to be a grandmother.
Allison Freda Sellers born Sunday morning at 9:47 AM. She was nearly a week overdue. But it might be a good thing because she was only 6 lb. 9 oz. I'm so honored that they chose my mother's name for Allision's middle name. My mom would be so happy.
Aunt Chelsey holding Allison. Allision is the first grandchild on both sides. She will be super spoiled. Mom and baby are both doing very

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Fab Fabric Friday From Friends

7:44:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

Hi for Friday. It has been kind of an up and down week. Some of the family has been sick and the overdue baby hasn't presented herself yet.
I have some fabulous friends. I say that all the time. They do so much for me and I don't deserve it. This fabric above is from Sandi. Love the Christmas fabric. I will so enjoy the red dots and the Christmas village is perfect for me. Did I show this fabric before? (Yes, I am losing my mind.) Thanks

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Hawaiian Bows in Rows

8:21:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

My friend Ashley is having a baby girl any day now. Ashley and my daughter Whitney are due very close together. I need to finish a baby quilt for Ashley as I wait for our own baby to arrive.
I'm not quite done with the flimsy yet but I'm making progress and enjoying the scrappy Hawaiian look to this quilt. Lisa sent me some fabrics from the island recently. I love them. And immediately I thought of my friend Ashley's baby.
Ashley's baby will be half Hawaiian, just like

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Kettles in the Kitchen

8:05:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 52 comments

My new pattern is out and in my etsy store. I'm so glad to have completed it and have it all put together. It has been a long time coming but I'm very pleased with it.
Thanks again to my helpers for their proofreading and proof sewing. What would I do without friends?
It is a really fun quilt to make. I'm currently making another sample quilt to hang in a local store and enjoying making my 3rd Kettles in the Kitchen.
There are 2 versions, a smaller wall hanging quilt

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2 Wins and a Winner

8:18:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 32 comments

I have been incredibly lucky recently. I won 2 really really great giveaways. I was on a roll a while back but it has been a long dry spell for blog giveaway wins here and I picked a great time to have my luck change.
Jacquie is someone that inspires me and I learn so much from. She's very talented and I love everything she does. I won a quilt (yes a quilt) made by Jacquie. This was the package.
And this was what was inside! A mini quilt of

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Fabulous Fabric Friday is back

6:48:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 128 comments

I always feel like I'm behind in life, but of course lately more so. I'm glad to show FFF today with my little Hive Squares.

If you've been reading the latest Quilt Market News you may have heard about an upcoming product from Moda called Moda Bakeshop Sampler Box. Moda is featuring sample size portions of their fabric lines in packs of 2 1/2" square. I will definitely want some.
I've been cutting samples of Freda's Hive stash fabric and have been packaging them. I'm calling them Hive Squares. They

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