I hope everyone had a very pleasant and safe Thanksgiving. We had an incredible week here at the Hive. It was wonderful having all our family together. Although, I will say it was quite loud and crazy at times. But that is part of the fun. It is snowy and cold here in Utah as we start counting down to Christmas. Of course that is to be expected right now.
Here is a peek at my new quilt. Is just a flimsy today but I'm going to take it
When I got into my holiday fabric box I rediscovered a Christmas UFO. Funny how tucking a project away for a year changes perspective.
At first, I only slightly remembered making this little table topper last Christmas season. Then after looking at it I remember thinking it was "too busy" and didn't finish it. However, looking at it with fresh eyes, I decided I like it.
I still think it is busy but as a fan of most things busy I decided it wasn't overly so. I'm going to machine
I like to keep fabric that I've recently acquired, or fabric that is inspiring me at the moment out on my cutting table. I'm sure some of you do that too. Lori has a big vintage bowl on her cutting table where she places her latest inspirations. So I'm going to show you today what I have out to inspire me.
First of all I took my photos on this red gingham. It is more of a cherry pinky red. I love that color. It looks perfect with all
I have my entryway set up with my favorite fall quilt that I usually hang at Thanksgiving. I really love that novelty print in the border. It is my VERY favorite vintage fabric. Front and center on the side board is my "Hall's" pitcher. Freda, my mom, had a few Hall's pieces that we used at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter and other holidays or when guests ate at our home. Seeing that fall dish pattern makes me almost smell turkey baking. I'm pretty excited to have all the family
As I posted yesterday, I participated at a day event at Alpine Quilt Retreats last Friday. It was really a fun event and one I think we'll repeat in the spring. But I have to tell you how really lovely the rooms and accommodations are at Alpine Quilt Retreats. Every room is so incredibly lovely and filled with the most wonderful quilts.
This is my favorite bedroom. And it might be because I'm so in love with this quilt! Look how cute it is finished off at the peak
Friday was the Quilter's Harvest Event at Alpine Quilt Retreats. I think it was a big success and I had a wonderful time meeting new people and being with old friends.
My mini class was making button rings. These are super simple to make and is a great idea for Christmas.
Prep was pretty simple. I brought the ring findings, fabric and hardware to make covered buttons.
I also had clip and pin hardware in case the girls wanted to make something other than rings.
I brought lots of little bits of
Being At Lori's House the other day seeing all her wonderful vintage treasures reminded me that it has been a while since I've shown vintage on my fabric Fridays.
Kitchen prints are the most dear to my heart novelties and this one brings me right back to the Freda's kitchen I grew up in. I really love the color and whimsy of the cherries and strawberries. What would a vintage kitchen be without gingham?
This slightly more modern kitchen print shows the change in a graphics within a decade or
My life is so full. I'm very blessed. I have a family, job, business, hobby and wonderful friends. I'm also very busy, but that comes with the territory of having a full life. My BFF Lori Holt is also an extremely busy girl with a full life. When we can make time together it is really fun.
Lori invited me for lunch and to spend a few hours with her in her home and studio. Here I am with camera in hand snapping away. Since most of you