Fabric Friday - I Succumbed

8:50:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 22 comments

Yep. I know you've seen this new Denyse Schmidt fabric for Joann's simply EVERYWHERE on blogs. Of course I'm a huge fan of Denyse and her designs. This fabric is flying off the shelves at Joann's. I really haven't heard of many people that can resist it. I was able to get fat quarters of nearly all of it (I think). I really like the fabric since it is vintage flavor and not too matchy matchy. My least favorite of the fabrics is the throwback navys on the

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Thrift, Trade and Share

8:07:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

My parents bought all our furniture at auctions, were given used items (otherwise known as hand-me-downs) or created most everything from scratch. New was not something I grew up with. And now repurposing is hip for ecological or economical reasons. It is funny how things come full circle.
A couple weeks ago 2 of my daughters came home from the local thrift store super excited about a find. Shelbie discovered a nearly a full set of vintage china with this fabulous pattern from the 50s. Someone's grandma may have

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Bloggers Meet-up Reservation

9:15:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 6 comments

The details are finalized for the Bloggers Meet-up Party next month in SLC during Spring Quilt Market. It is going to be fabulous. But space is limited. So please run on over to the Meet-up Block to make your reservation with us. If you have any questions, please email me or leave a comment at the Meet-Up blog. Click the link and go to ticket leap to reserve a ticket for the party. Calli and Amy have done so much work for this event. They have thought of

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Quilt Market Bloggers Meet-Up Details

7:35:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 6 comments

Can you feel spring in the air where you live? I feel it and see it in the longer days, buds on the trees and dandelions cropping up everywhere! This quilt below has really nothing to do with this post but I can't make a post without a photo.
Spring Quilt Market is getting so close. There is excitement in the air. The details for our Bloggers Meet-up are coming together. We have some fantastic sponsors and people you'll want to meet and mingle with. There will be food,

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Fabric Friday - Vintage Kitchen

7:56:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

It is no secret I really love vintage kitchen fabric. I have a problem using it though! I just struggle with cutting into my collection. I can think of lots of uses but I keep putting off using my favorite fabrics. Silly isn't it. I want to change that. Hopefully this year I will make at least 1 quilt using vintage kitchen fabric.
I may have shown this one before, I forget. But I really love it because it looks sorta like a table cloth and it is vintage

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Personal Flag Quilt - Slovakian Flag

7:21:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

To recap I've been working on my own Personal Flag Quilt to represent the heritage from my ancestors. You can read my previous posts here, here and here.
Here is another look at Amy's Quilt. She inspired me to picture my own quilt based on her ideas and creativity. Thanks again Amy.
So last weekend I worked on my last block, the Slovakian Flag block. The Slovakian flag is a relatively modern flag given the push and pull of governments in the history of the Slovakian territory in Europe.
When my

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Doohickey for Riley Blake Quilt

7:56:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

Quilt Market is less than a month away now. So we begin the count down. I can imagine the buzz of sewing machines making the final sample quilts to be shown to the world at Market.

I'm excited to have my little market contribution completed and ready to hand off to the fabulous Jina and Cindy at Riley Blake. Those gals know how to run a fabric company.

I was lucky enough to work with fabric by Shari of Doohickey Designs for Riley Blake. Shari is a sweetheart and super

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Fabric Friday - Lecien New Old Fabric

8:12:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

Time is passing so quick. Soon we will have Spring Quilt Market in SLC. I'm getting excited and a little freaked out as well. It will be fun to meet some of you, be present at market and a few parties including the Blogger's Meet-up Party. I think we'll have a great time.
Monday I showed you Lori's gift fabric to me that she got at Material Girls. Oh I love this line of fabric, just as Lori knew I would. I liked it so much that I got

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Inspiration and Decisions for the Picky

8:39:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

I have a nice book library of quilting books in my sewing room already so I try not to purchase more books unless I can get them at a great price and or I simply must must MUST have them. I love used quilt books. But these are brand new.
I've had these 3 books since earlier in the year and I have kept them out to page through and admire. Sometimes I've got an idea in my head for a quilt I want to make and paging through

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Personal Flag Quilt American Flag Block

8:21:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

With a family wedding over the weekend I was able to only make a few blocks over the weekend.
So I decided (this is swiped from Amy's blog and is Amy's quilt) to make my 3 USA flags in my personal flag quilt.
I used all the same star fabric but mixed in some reds and lights for the strips with different fabrics.
The blocks are 15"x20" so they come together really fast.
I'm excited to get 3 of my country flags done now with only the flag from Slovakia now still

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Fabric Friday 'Hoos in the Forrest by

8:58:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 13 comments

Last weekend I did something really fun. New fabric, my trusty sewing machine and a diet mt. dew, plus General Conference = finished baby quilt. The quilt top is at the quilter being quilted right now.
The fabric is 'Hoos in the Forrest by Doohicky Designs - Shari, for Riley Blake Fabric. You can see the entire line here. I really had a great time using a brand new design. The reveal happens during market. And the fabric will be out next month I think. It is awesome, sweet

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