One day a few weeks ago I was whining to Natalie about my sewing room being a mess. I was frustrated because I was so busy and I was trying to get ready for vacation and trying to finish up some projects and so I was just complaining and feeling overwhelmed. At that point Natalie sat down and said "Mom! your fabric organization system has failed!". Natalie is my ubber over organized oldest daughter and after the shock of her statement I decided to listen to her (yes,
Whew. It is after 3:00 PM and I haven't posted fabric Friday yet! But here we go. Busy with so many things, including pattern writing. I'm feeling better but I have a LOT to do this weekend so I need to prioritize myself and energies.
I might have to do something I've never done. I might have to dump the more than 1000 blog posts from friends in my Google Reader. I just can't get on top of it. So if you have something you really want me to
Last week we spent our vacation in Wyoming in beautiful Star Valley at my sister's family ranch.
It is an over 800 acre working ranch. The weather was wonderful and it was so fun to be around family for the week.
One of the major attractions for my family is the private lake.
This year we brought a peddle boat with us for the kids to play around in. They had a fantastic time with it in the water. Jamie probably loved the boat the most. Mason fished from the bank
I'm home from my fun vacation but I brought home more than piles of laundry.
I caught a cold while I was gone. So it will take a few days to get rid of this annoying summer time sneezing and hoarse voice and get myself back to normal. Be back in a few days.
I love being able to prepost or else my blog would be empty this week.
Across the hall from the Quilt Show is the annual Art Show. I always love to see what local artists are painting and making. It was exciting to see so many young artists participating.
I loved this peaceful church scene and how it takes you back to simpler times.
I love paintings of homes and barns. This one is a very pleasant farm scene.
I absolutely loved this painting. Beautiful, captivating and spiritual.
I thought this remake of
Okay more of the Alpine quilt show in the gym at the Old Red Church. I love that building.
In the corner behind my basket quilt hung the Star wedding quilt I made for Natalie and Justin. I really really want to make another one of these. It was sorta stressful but I love the finished results.
Across from that is my "Freda's Flowers". Seeing the legs under the quilts as viewers walk back and forth is kind of funny.
Next to my Star quilt is Natalie's Bento Box. The binding