Bloggers Meet-up Reservation

The details are finalized for the Bloggers Meet-up Party next month in SLC during Spring Quilt Market. It is going to be fabulous. But space is limited. So please run on over to the Meet-up Block to make your reservation with us. If you have any questions, please email me or leave a comment at the Meet-Up blog. Click the link and go to ticket leap to reserve a ticket for the party. Calli and Amy have done so much work for this event. They have thought of every detail. You'll leave the party with swag, maybe a fabulous prize and new friends. Hope to see you there.

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Thimbleanna said...

Oh BooHoo! I REALLY want to go but have another commitment that night. You guys are going to have SOOO much fun thought -- so many bloggers, so little time LOL!

Joanna said...

Just bought my ticket! So excited!!!

Shari said...

What a great idea! Hope you all really enjoy meeting each other and building friendships. Have fun!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to finally meet you!!!!

Mama Spark said...

All booked in and can't wait to meet up with you!

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