Resting on my Laurels

7:18:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

I didn't sew a stitch this past weekend.  Not.  One. Stitch.  So today I'm resting on my laurels and showing you a collection of past work stashed at my house.  This too shall pass.  Sewing is my game.
Can you believe it is almost May Day??

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Barns of Berks County

8:51:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 25 comments

I grew up in Berks County, Pennsylvania.  Of course there is the city of Reading in that county and several other cities like Kutztown, but most of Berks and it's sister county, Lancaster County,  is made of beautiful green farm land. Barns are a great sense of pride for farmers in that area.  Many farmers are from German heritage and there is a great population of Amish and Mennonite farmers.  Farmers keep their barns in better repair than their own homes, in some instances.  It is so fun

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Another Baby Quilt

7:42:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 27 comments

I'm always trying to stay ahead of the baby quilt game. It's so helpful to have a quilt on hand.  Unfortunately most of my scrap baby quilts are girly.  Like this one.
I enjoy making this simple design into a baby quilt.  It is just an easy way to make a patchwork triangle quilt by cutting extra bits of fabric into  triangle shapes as I go and then keeping them aside to put together at a later point.
I think all my fabrics work together because the light

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Fabric Friday Beauties

7:10:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 10 comments

I've gotten some new fabric that I thought you'd like to peek at.  They are all so pretty together. From Donna's Lavender Nest I have these 2 super lovely Lecien fabrics.    Donna also sent the adorable strawberry pincushion.  I am putting that right in my hand sewing box.
Sew Fabulous has some new Lecien, too, along with other adorables.  I could not pass up this fat quarter pack and the yardage of cheater hexies.  Darling fabric.
Cynthia from Dream Quilt Create sent me some cuties in my

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Barns Sewn Together

7:23:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 26 comments

I've sneaked ahead on my Barns project.  See how Lori is instructing the latest progress here.  When I started this project I had a vision of how I wanted to put my barns together.  When I saw Lori's tutorial I decided to incorporate what I tentatively planned with what she suggested. I scrappy sashed my barns since I had 12 already completed and was ready for this step.  But I wanted to enhance the look of hex signs in the barns so I changed the sashing up a

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Feedsack Squares - Fabric Friday

9:44:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 9 comments

I did decide to make my Parcheesi quilt larger.  I like most of my quilts twin size or larger.  I've joined most of my finished squares and they look so good that I want to make more.  I need to make at least 20 more squares (or more, who knows).  I noticed Barbara at Oodles and Oodles (one of my favorite blogs) had some feedsack squares in her Etsy Shop so I grabbed them. Yesterday the squares arrived so I thought I'd make a few little piles to

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Iron Iron Iron I've got to get another Iron

6:50:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 44 comments

I'm back to iron shopping people.  Those of you that have been with me a while might remember my last iron (see below).  I think I've spent well over 2 hours online looking at new irons.  Cheap, expensive, or middle of the road??  There must be hundreds of irons out there.
Almost 2 years ago I acquired this iron above.  I liked it.  I didn't LOVE it.  But I liked it.  I thought the auto lift was a big gimmicky but I grew to like it.  I can't say I

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Parcheesi Quilt progress...very slowly

6:31:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 24 comments

I can't believe it has been nearly 5 years since I started my Parcheesi quilt made with feedsack fabric.  It is amazing to me how in that time frame I've not made a lot of progress. It started with 6" white squares and feedsack melon slices hand appliqued on the blocks.
It has been a fun project to carry here and there and applique in short spaces of time.  I pulled it out recently because I want to finish it this year. I appliqued a bit over

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Fabric Friday Returns and a Give Away at Dream Quilt Create Blog

6:04:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 9 comments

First things first.  My friend Cynthia at Dream Quilt Create blog is having a giveaway starting today until Sunday at midnight.  Cynthia is fantastic and I love trading tips with her and visiting her blog. Cynthia is giving away 5 fat quarters from Simple Abundance by Camille and Bonnie.  There are a few rules to enter her giveaway.
So run off to Cynthia to enter to win the fabric.  Click here.  And then come back to see my hex sign/Pennsylvania Dutch fabric.  Go ahead.  Go visit Cynthia and

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Barns and more Barns

10:27:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 17 comments

I'm determined that my barns will not become a UFO quilt.  You know, I never used to have a problem finishing my quilt tops.  I don't know what my problem is lately.  But my barns will be a top as I keep up with Lori's.  Since the quilt block in the barn is a 6", it is easy to work ahead of Lori with some blocks I've made once before.  Remember, I am trying to make them look like hex signs. This red barn is probably my favorite

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