Resting on my Laurels

I didn't sew a stitch this past weekend.  Not.  One. Stitch.  So today I'm resting on my laurels and showing you a collection of past work stashed at my house.  This too shall pass.  Sewing is my game.

Can you believe it is almost May Day??

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Library Gal Quilts said...

I sure would love to be sitting in that chair looking at those quilts up close and personal! Seems to me you don't do too much laurel resting! have a good week! Pam :)

Mary on Lake Pulaski said...

What a beautiful view Nanette!

Sherri said...

Well you so deserve a rest...but I can't wait to see what you sew next!

Mary said...

You have every right to sit and rest. You have a beautiful collection of your work. Thank you for sharing.

jan said...

Your room is gorgeous. I would love to just sit and admire all those beautiful quilts! And yes May is upon us. I wonder if they still have May Poles at school? Have a great day!

Lynn said...

Not one stitch!?! We'll I didn't either, but I did do lots of laundry and weeding, I would have much rather been sewing. You are surrounded by your wonderful and awesome quilts, love the picture!

pratima said...

Beautiful display of your quilts, Nanette! It looks so cozy and warm in this corner with your cheerful quilts.

em's scrapbag said...

I didn't get a stitch in this weekend either. Too much yard work. The garden is ready to plant.
Your hutch full of quilts is fabulous!

Elaine/Muddling Through said...

Hey, sometimes you just don't "have it" to sew. Better to wait until "it" is there again! And you have a tremendous body of work to encourage yourself with in the meantime.

Stitchy Mc Floss said...

It's always good to rest up a bit and reflect. That way when you start again on your projects you will have even more ideas. :)

Blessing always dear friend.

Karen H said...

Lovely cupboard, and the quilts look even better! It's okay for you to rest on your laurels a bit. You've earned it! :)

Kaaren said...

Resting on one's laurels is good for the mind and soul. We all need to take time out to recharge our batteries, Nanette. No need to beat up on yourself about it.

If only I I lived closer...we could have rested our laurels together.

Thimbleanna said...

What a great collection Nanette! Resting on Laurels is certainly allowed -- when Laurels are as numerous as yours LOL!

Darlene said...

Beautiful view in your living room. You deserve to rest on your laurels. I've been resting on mine for a few months now. LOL

Liv said...

Love that collection of quilts Nanette!
Liv xx

Liv said...

Love that collection of quilts Nanette!
Liv xx

Unknown said...

Oh goodness, how often do you take those beauties out and refold and pet them?
That in itself seems like a full time occupation....not one stitch eh?