Family Visit

7:12:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 19 comments

Last weekend my daughter Chelsey, my sister Polly, my niece Tana and my grandnephew Maxx came to stay for a couple days. We really had a nice time together. It is great to have family come stay.
Chelsey's birthday is this week and we celebrated it when she was home. Here she is with Allison looking at her birthday cake.
Polly and I did some sewing together while she visited. Here she is holding up her finished flimsy of the Picnic Quilt. She had it all completed except the outer

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Fabric Friday - New Finds

7:16:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 14 comments

It is Fabric Friday again today. I have 5 prints to show that are fairly new to the market. They are all great prints and have that vintage/modern flair.
The first 2 prints are from Melody Miller. They are thicker linen/cotton blends that would work great in making bags. I love the 60's kitchen/flower/home feel.
Out of all Melody's newest line this clock piece is my favorite. I do love old clocks. The one in the bottom right hand corner is the exact clock I had in my bedroom growing

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A few of my current blog obsessions

6:30:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

I have dozens and dozens of blogs I (try) to read regularly in my Google Reader. I like to read blogs several times a week but I rarely zero out my Reader in my quest to see what everyone is making.

I have so many favorite blogs but currently I have a few that I am dying over. Sometimes I find these blogs so fantastic that I love to hate them. Well, not really, but I do envy the beauty and creativity there just a bit.

I've been wanting to

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Weekend Report

7:50:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 11 comments

Our lives are all so busy aren't they? Because I work outside my home, weekends are a very important part of my life balance. Weekends are usually full of family visits, sewing and house duties. I do enjoy my "off" time and guard it closely.
Shelbie, Whitney and I went to a cooking class at my good friend and neighbor, Laura's. It was a sauce class with both sweet and savory sauces. Specifically Laura made a pork loin with meat sauce, mac and cheese, Bearnaise sauce over asparagus with

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Fabric Friday - House and Home

10:41:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 21 comments

I don't remember if I showed this little group of fabrics before on the blog but since I'm working with them they are close at hand.
This is a line by Benartex that has been out for a little while. It is called House and Home. It also comes in pastels, which I didn't care for. Anyway, it is a happy line that I really need to put to good use.
I'm proofing my pattern by making new blocks for my Row by Row quilt. and it seems to be

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Pattern Proofing

8:03:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

I'm photographing and writing instructions for my row-by-row quilt. I wanted to show that the pattern could be used with different fabrics and in a smaller sized project like a wall hanging. So I'm making each block again and writing instructions as I go. It is always amazing to me how using different fabric makes such a huge difference.

Busy Busy.


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Fun Project from Lori

6:00:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 31 comments

Right before Christmas Lori Holt and I had lunch at our favorite spot, Food For Thought, in Draper, Utah. It was a crazy day and Lori was gracious enough to reschedule the time after I no-showed her (like I said, crazy day).
Lori ALWAYS gives the best gifts. She gave me this darling project bag and her pattern for the crochet edged pillowcase. The fabric used is from her Daisy Cottage line and the pattern is one of her very latest.
Inside the project bag was this great kit

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I Love Fat Quarters - Fabric Friday

9:18:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 16 comments

I have, what could be, a dangerous past time. I like to window shop at Fat Quarter Shop. I discovered Kimberly's store years ago when I was trying to find fat quarters online. At that time most online fabric stores wouldn't sell less than 1/2 yard. So I was very happy to find that I could shop online for those little cuts of fabric I like so much. Of course I also like to obtain fat quarters from local shops as well. It is hard to walk into

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A Few Fun Things

8:06:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

You know I'm such a Scrooge and I'm so glad Christmas 2011 is over. So on with the challenges of a new year. 2012 has kind of started off rough with broken cars, broken furnace and a stubborn infection for me. But that is life. We wouldn't know happiness if we didn't have problems for comparison.
True to form, Allison played with a box after opening her gifts. Shadow is very interested in her new Grover from Nanny and Pa.

I did want to show a few fun things

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Giveaway Winner Sew Scraps Along

7:15:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 8 comments

I was really happy to join Jodi in her month of scrap ideas. I know for me, scrap quilts are the heart and soul of quilting. Managing our scraps is something all fabric lovers have to deal with.
Thank you to everyone that is a devoted blog reader and also to my new readers. I appreciate your participation in the giveaway and for all the sweet comments. Today I'm really excited to announce the winner of last week's giveaway.

The winner is "Heartsdesire" She said:
"Count me in, for

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Happy New Year Scrap Busting Give Away

6:36:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 217 comments

Have you heard about the 2012 Sew Scraps Along at Jodi's Pleasant Home blog? Today Jodi is kicking off her month long of giveaways, tutorials, ideas and more and I'm her first guest designer using my tutorial for a Picnic Quilt.
If you are a regular reader you will be familiar with my scrap busting Picnic Quilt tutorial. We used this tutorial for my family quilt retreat last year. If you are a new reader, my free tutorials are on the right sidebar. January is a great time to

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