Ginger Blossom Baby Tumbler


I finished my Ginger Blossom Tumbler Bows baby quilt. Acutally I made 2 of them. I'm going to sell one on Etsy (it just sold) and give one to my new grandniece when she is born. I have an extra set of blocks all cut out and I'm going to list it as a kit on Etsy (including pattern).

One fat quarter of each of the fabrics in the line will make 2.5 tumbler baby quilts. So I augmented one of the quilts with extra fabrics from my stash that coordinated with the colors. And for all 3 I added some little pink bird fabric for a novelty. I machine quilted them with stitch in the ditch.
I love putting minky on the backs of baby quilts. It just makes them extra soft and special. The Ginger Blossom fabrics are quite bold but I think they are attractive for a young mom and baby.
- nanette
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Bobbi said...

That is so adorable! I want a bigger version for myself!!

Purple and Paisley said...

oh my goodness! gorgeous! i would have picked that fabric!

i liked your comment about the japanese misspellings...hubby and i laugh our butts off when we go to chinese restaurant...the fortunes are always misspelled and so is the spelling on the chopsticks is "quaint..."

do you use a template to cut out tumbler shapes? i want to try one of these next...*giggle*...because i need more things to try!

still sick...will write when feeling better...blah...

Tracey M. said...

when i have a baby, in like two and a half years, i neeeeed this quilt. it is just so darling!

oh, and who is going is have a baby girl? tana? *excited to find out*

Jodi Nelson said...

Nanette, I am in love with this pattern! And these fabrics are so cute! Check out my Blog today. I did a post on Maytroshka Dolls! I'm totally in love with them.

PamKittyMorning said...

So far this is my favorite!!!

Thimbleanna said...

Gosh, I just love your tumbling block quilts. And this fabric makes it so fabulous!

Joanna said...

I love the colors that you used! So cute. Thanks for the baby advice, btw. I definitely should've been stricter to start with...let's see how it goes now! Thanks again!

Rima said...

That is beautiful!

Sherry said...

It turned out beautiful. I just love that MM fabric line! Awesome job!

michelle said...

Jen was telling me about this line of fabric. She was going to buy it but knew she would never get around to making a quilt. It is so cute. Love your ability to put colors and patterns together. Your the best,

Nerm said...

Love, love the quilt. The ginger blossom brought out the pattern beautifully. Any baby (and mom) would love this. The colors will raise the babe's IQ by 50 points!
When is it going up on Etsy? Nerm

Eileen said...

What a good idea to use Minky for the backing. I'll have to remember that when I make a baby quilt for my grand-niece due in June. Your Tumbler pattern turned out gorgeous.. LOVE those fabrics!

jen duncan said...

SEW very beautiful Nanette! I've been making baby blankets the past few days with Minky backs but I can hardly even tie them, let alone machine quilt that slippery stuff! I'm very impressed! (and congrats on the quick sale!)

Happy Zombie said...

My fave too (ala PKM's comment)! What a perfect pattern for Sandi's wonderful fabric. It's simply beautiful Nanette!

Di~ said...

Love Love Love the/those quilts.
Curvy edge so so cute!
I'm really liking doing baby quilts right now. Have you shared how to do the tumbler quilt?
~D Spack~

Ginger Patches said...

Oh I love that quilt!! Perfect with that fabric!

Oiyi said...

I like the bold colors.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous quilt! One of my favourite lines of fabric too. Well Done!

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