Catching Up

8:32:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 41 comments

I have been really trying to say on track and work on my list of things to do one by one. I'm making some progress.
I joined Jane's Rainbow Block challenge and because orange is one of my colors I'm enjoying I chose to make my blocks with luscious orange. I don't have a lot of this fabric but I was able to pull from my stash to make my blocks for this exchange. I picked this mini bow tie block shown above for making my 9 blocks.
And they

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Necklace Hanger & Juliet

8:00:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 23 comments

I like unique jewelry, especially the kind found on Etsy - and as my collection slowly grows, I have found the problem that I'm sure most women inevitably have: "How do you store your jewelry in a manner that isn't cluttery and that won't leave you with a tangled mess?" I read about this idea in a magazine and decided that it was perfect for me.

Essentially, you just attach drawer-pulls to a board (I got mine on sale from Anthropologie) and hang it on your wall in your

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Making my own Fabric for Fabric Friday

8:46:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 37 comments

A week ago my friend Laura brought me this magazine as a little treat. It has several cute projects in it but one caught my eye first.I was not drawn to the fabric from the bag in the picture. But I could see the little bag was a good idea.
When I turned the page I saw this strip-pieced version was more my type. But you know me. I rarely like to use one fabric line for a project and I often think "the more the merrier".
I set out

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Getting ready for Bunny Day

8:27:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 45 comments

When my kids were little we differentiated between Easter and Bunny Day. Easter was Sunday and a religious holiday. Bunny Day was the day before Easter on Saturday. That was the day we hid eggs and ate candy. I have heard it is a trend to celebrate nothing around Easter. Could that really be true? I hope not.
I have Peep love. Shelbie brought these home from the store last night (thanks Shelbie). The colors are so beautiful, though deceptive, because all Peeps taste like Peeps no matter what

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Purl Fingerless Gloves

8:00:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 18 comments

A few months ago, Purl featured a pattern for cashmere fingerless gloves. I liked the style and simplicity of the pattern and decided that they would be nice to add to my wardrobe.
As nice and luxurious as the idea of owing a pair of cashmere gloves is, I'm not the biggest fan of the fiber. It is very tempermental, sheds easily, and must be washed with extreme care. I use my hands a lot so when I made my own pair I used wool put out by Louet

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8:27:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 49 comments

In my excitement to open my swap package from Lorraine I did not fully examine everything. Inside one of the feed sacks was this hidden treasure. Doh! I got all my prizes out to show my daughter this weekend and she reached into one of the feed sacks and pulled this out!
Then I remembered seeing a tiny bit of it on Lorraine's blog. I had missed the main gift. I hurried and emailed Lorraine and then sat and enjoyed this beautiful stitched teapot. Her work is fabulous. I

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Fanatical Fabric Friday

9:06:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 33 comments

First off some answers to questions about my hexagon bag I showed yesterday.
It is hard to take pictures of clear templates but here are the sizes - 6", 5" and 4". I like to use Inklingo for small hexagons. But for the big hexagons templates work fine.
I hope you can see it better but I placed the template I used for my hexagon bag directly over one of the hexagons above. I did machine stitch the hexagons together stopping 1/4" from the edge so it was easier to

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Hex Bag and Swap

8:23:00 AM
Posted by Nanette Merrillin 47 comments

It is pretty silly to start a new project when I have a long list of other things I need work on. I never had ADD as a kid or adult until I started making quilts as a passion. Now it seems I have a hard time concentrating on some projects. I've always been a finisher, and though and I don't plan on changing, it does seem I am less focused on that goal sometimes.

That said, last weekend I started a new bag. And it is finished! But

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