It is no secret I love novelty fabric. I'm inspired by novelty and kitsch. Novelty fabric draws me in and makes me want to find ways to cut it up and sew it back together.

When I saw these 1960 era reproduction bunnies they reminded me of Easter decorations from my childhood with their googly eyes and angled bodies. The bunnies are from Anna Griffin's new line called Riley. Not only do the characters inspire me but the colors are right on with my latest craze with golden orange and deep turquoise blue.

I've been wanting to make something fresh for Easter. Easter reminds me of hand-me-down Easter baskets (we got a bigger one when the older sister moved on), delicious peeps, bitter sweet hollow chocolate rabbits, a new dress (made by Freda of course), new shoes, last year's white gloves and the wonderful dipped colored hard boiled eggs! Are you with me girls?

I'm not sure I got it exactly right with this egg shape but it will do. If anyone wants to make some eggs I'll post a quick pattern/tutorial. They are so easy I'm sure you can visualize how to put them together? It was fun to pull some pastels and create some eggs with fabric and thread. I am making a wall hanging for my sewing room. I may even try my hand at a patchwork bunny to go with the pretty eggs in a row.

I had the sweetest surprise yesterday from
Jodi. She knew I was sick last week and sent me these darling chocolate bugs and bees to cheer me up!! Now these are NOT the hollow bunny quality chocolate. I will have to look at them and smile until my kids make me rip open the package and share. Thanks so much
Jodi. What a wonderful treat.

My "Quilts and More" arrived, too. I've been anxiously awaiting the peeks I've seen on other blogs of the fun projects.

Monica's stuffed mushroom needle case. So cute in red and white with a little pouch for a small scissors. Congrats

And this really sweet pincushion pattern by
Cindy. Who can have too many pincushions? So many fun projects to choose from this spring. Speaking of spring - I hate that adjustment to daylight savings time. zzzzz How about you? What are you working on for spring?
the bunny fabric is TOO cute!!!
oh and i LOVE your little easter egg quilt.
{can't wait for the tute.}
and i JUST picked up my copy of quilts & more...that monica is SO talented.
You found the perfect fabric to go with your cute eggs.They are so darling and spring looking.
It sounds like we had the same childhood Easters! Most years my sisters and I would get a new hat to wear along with our white gloves to church.
I need to go pick up my copy of the magazine today-love that Monica:)
As far as colors go.. this is my favorite time of year. I love pastels.. green, pink, yellow, light blue, purple, and light orange! With even a little bit of red mixed in. Your Easter eggs are adorable.. can't wait to see what you end up doing there. Looks intersting!
And yes.. all those Easter things you mentioned.. that's what I think of too. Except I had no sisters.. so I never got hand-me-downs. I often wore the same dress as the year before though.. and maybe got a new pocketbook or a new pair of gloves. Maybe when it gets closer to Easter we could all show our pictures as girls in our blogs.. would be fun..wouldn't it??
I swear Nanette -- how do you always find such fantastic novelty fabrics??? That bunny fabric is tooo cute! And I'm definitely with you -- your Easters sound like ours when we were little!
You've done it again. I love the egg quilt. Your colors are perfect!
i love the easter egg blocks! still patiently waiting for my quilts and more to arrive in the mail...
Love the egg quilt- what a great idea! Please post the pattern for us remedial sewers! I'm sorry I'm just getting around to this now but I plain forgot!! It wasn't until yesterday that we finally got everything returned from our show so now my head is clear - or close! I'm so sorry to say you didn't win a quilt - I was more anxious about pulling names out of the bucket for the people who sent in money from far away - like you -so hoping they'd win something! Thanks so much for supporting our show and for sending such a generous donation - you are amazing!
xo, The Other Nanette
That bunny fabric is absolutely adorable - I don't know how you find these wonderful fabrics! You must have "cute fabric" radar. I can't wait to see the new issue of Quilts & More - such cute projects by such very talented ladies.
I haven't chosen a spring project as yet, but I'll let you know......
Love that fabric...and especially your Easter Eggs! I don't have a single Easter of course I'd love a tutorial to make a little "egg"cellent wallhanging!
That bunny fabric is adorable! I've been stalking the book store trying to get that mag - but no luck yet. Darn it.
Love the egg quilt, Nanette! So cute. May just have to make one of those - maybe a table runner?
I love the Easter Eggs and bunnies. I have been th inking about putting up my spring/ Easter decorations today. I just can't take the snowy cold anymore.
I need to get that magazine. I love those cake pincushions.
I am not doing well with the time change either. We were an hour late to church on Sunday because I seriously didn't know! I also am having a hard time getting my little boy out to the kindergarten bus as he wants to sleep in. Glad to hear I'm not the only one!
So many topics and neat ideas. Thanks for bringing back childhood Easter memories, forgot all about white gloves.
Love the Bunnie fabric. Your easter egg quilt is so fresh looking...lovely spring colors.
The bunny fabric is just perfect for your eggs. I love both. what a fabulous seasonal quilt. MMMMMM.... and chocolate to finish with.
Can't wait for your tutorial.........I imagine we all want one!
Oh yes - I'm there with you, Nanette! Can't wait to see the eggs and bunnies together!
Oh my gosh, I Love Your eggs! I can't wait to see it finished. Now to just get ambitious enough to get back into my sewing room and make some for myself! Have fun!
Oh, I wanna make an egg quilt! I just bought Quilts and More over the weekend. I love those projects you posted, I want to make every one of them! I need some time management direction, though. As for daylight savings, I've overslept the last couple of mornings. What a waste!
You always inspire me.. if only I had more time..
That candy is the neatest thing.. I wonder where I can buy some?.. Hmm maybe I'll sneak over to your house and you'll share with me :)
You know what, this is soooo cute. I love the egg shape and visually I could figure it out if you posted the dimensions or pattern. My hubby and I actually have a chicken/egg ranch and I love cute patterns with eggs in them. I love red and white check and this idea would be cute for a year round quilt in my kitchen with eggs in it. I love this and I love the pastel spring colors you used! Too fun.
I love your blog and love all your creative ideas...very stimulating...hahahah....where's my sewing machine?
That's funny. I was looking on the Internet for some Easter quilt ideas or something to inspire me. I thought, "I wonder if Nanette is doing something special for Easter" and low and behold, you were!! I love the fabric! Yes, these remind me of Easters in my past. My mom made my Easter dresses, too, and big Easter baskets. I even got a bunny one year.
I found my issue of Quilts and More last week. We have a lot of talented blogging friends in the magazine! Lucky us!
That Anna Griffin fabric is really cute! You described my 60's easters to a tee. :-) Ahh, I do miss them good ol' days.
Speaking of fun and kitschy novelty fabrics...have you rec'd your order from Pooh-tan yet? I'm wondering if one orders 2 fq's do they get a whole half yard? Something about the verbage makes me think it's all already precut into fq's.
thanks! jen
Okay, Nanette, that picture of the bunny fabric just made me laugh out loud. Cutest thing I've seen today.
Glad you're feeling better.
Clever!!! I love the bunnny fabric too! Can't wait for the egg turtorial...what fun!
not only do you have such cute fabric. you certainly know what to do with it. love the easter eggs.
Oh Nanette - when I was little I used to want to play dressups in Princess Diana's wardrobe. Now that I'm a grownup ;-) I want to play patchwork in your fabric stash! You find the BEST fabric!! And I love the eggs - very nice. I look forward to seeing the finished project because I know it will have that Nanette flair :-)
Hey Nanette you do have cuteness radar..You are the best for stopping in I don't know where you find the time!!
Your table runner is going to be so cute for Easter! You have brought back so many memories of Easters with the kids.
Love the Easter Egg quilt....will be watching for the tut!
I LOVE that green bunny fabric! The quilt looks great, I can see it as a great table runner for Easter :)
Isn't it amazing how the Easter traditions of chocolate bunnies, colored eggs and baskets haven't changed over the years? You've succeeded in allowing the waves of nostalgia roll over me this morning Nanette. Thanks for bringing back the memories.
And...too many pincushions? NEVER! I LOVE pincushions!
Oh my goodness you must post a tutorial for the Easter eggs, please!!! And, that bunny fabric is adorable - you do find the cutest novelty prints!
Count me in I'd like to make an Easter Egg quilt......
Bluuuuuuuuuuuuuuush! xoxoxo-m
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