First off some answers to questions about my hexagon bag I showed yesterday.

It is hard to take pictures of clear templates but here are the sizes - 6", 5" and 4". I like to use Inklingo for small hexagons. But for the big hexagons templates work fine.

I hope you can see it better but I placed the template I used for my hexagon bag directly over one of the hexagons above. I did machine stitch the hexagons together stopping 1/4" from the edge so it was easier to sew them altogether.

This is kind of a blurred picture but you can see I used the 4" hexagon template to make the bag. I have another bag cut out ready to sew with hexagons from a larger template. I hope to get a chance to work on that this weekend.
Now to fabric. I've been pulling fabric from my shelves to cut into layer cakes so I thought I'd show you some of those fabrics today.

This vintage pink pear fabric is one I happened on for a great price and it is big - 4 yards. It has an ultra soft feel to it.

Kitchen fabric is always my favorite and this one has a kitchen and house theme.

This linen cotton blend has fruit AND dots. It also has a nice soft feel for a linen blend.

I really like this thicker cotton in pretty blue and yellow. Wouldn't it make such a cute teapot?

I have this vintage flower fabric in a smallish piece. I love the colors in this floral.

This deep color has cute tea pots and tea cups all over it in a small scale.

I think this is called "Matilda's Kitchen". It is really sweet.

I've never used this piece yet in deep orange/yellow daises. I think it would also make a cute appliqued teapot.

This is kind of a strange fabric. It is patchwork and animals in some great colors. The animals are very Japanese. This would make a cute bag.
Have sew much fun this weekend!
I'm still dreaming about the hexagons from yesterday...and now you share those great fabrics with us! I love the vintage pink pears and the patchwork with the animals is so cute!
I know I have said this before but I love fridays and the chnace we get to peek at your stash! Thank you!
Layer Cake...for sale!!!????
ove Friday Fabrics. :) My favorite this time is the one with the pears.
the yellow daisies is my favorite. the large hexagons are just as cute as the small ones.
You have such fun fabrics!
I love that aqua teacup fabric. Please tell me it is still available from somewhere as it would be perfect in my Fortnum & Mason quilt.
Great bag and beautiful fabric! Thanks for sharing.
Beautiful fabrics like always!!!
You make fridays so much fun. Thank you :)
So many fun fabrics. Thanks for sharing.
I'll take one of each please. I'm starting to build my "Nanette" stash.
I can't wait to go shopping again!!! You've gotten me so pumped, Nanette!
You have the most amazing collection of fun fabrics. My favourite this time is the one with the pears.
I so look forward to Fabric Fridays!!! I love looking at all you great vintage fabrics!!
Always enjoy Friday's at Freda's Hive. Enjoyed seeing such neat fabric. I really like the teapot fabric.
Oh, Nanette, more beautiful fabrics - mine arrived yesterday, thanks, will Post about them soon - I think I have caught ADD from you!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Layer cakes, you say? I'm listening...and trying not to drool. :-) I'm doing blog catch-up, so I will comment on your hex bag from yesterday in today's comment, if you don't mind. Love your bag! I've often pondered machine sewing vs. hand sewing on the hexes. Your approach makes perfect sense!
I'm excited to see your new hex bag! The fabrics you share are wonderful, especially the one with the pear and the patchwork animal fabric - cute, cute and more cute!
I just am in awe that you machine stitched those Hexies! Of course, I love all your fabrics, but I think my fave is the first pink one!
OK~so what's the plan with/for the layer cakes? You just can't go throwing around the term "layer cake" and then just drop the subject. Do 'ya think we wouldn't ask, "what for"? Enuf suspense. Spill please!!
I have long loved your blog and I couldn't resist a comment on you Friday fabrics...always so fun to see what you post....thanks for keeping things interesting here in blog world!
i love the hexagon bag! i think you need to make and sell a pattern :)
What great fabrics! You sure have a good eye for picking them. Love the hexagon bag as well.
Hia thanks for visiting my blog, what a lovely hexagon bag!
The red Japanese fabric is so unusual and very pretty. You certainly have an eye for fabrics. :-)
Have you seen this pattern for a hexagon bag? It's free...however it is all hand-sewn:
Your fabrics are just so beautiful!
It's all been said by previous posters, but you sure have lovely fabric, and those hexagons, well just perfect.
Love the fabrics! I have to say I kept jumping back to the pink pear fabric, love it!
The yellow fabric with the aqua flowers is just about the prettiest fabric I've ever seen!
I have just put my material on my post........... thinking about Yo-yo Quilt................. but now I am confused ...with seeing your designs
what will I do
I love the hexagons and the fabric....I am speechless.
Just wanted to make sure I said "HI"... and let you kow I love your blog! Before I knew it I was at the bottom of the page and had read everything in sight... now I'm totally inspired and wish I had more fabric in my hot little hands! Have a great evening! Kimberly
Love those deep orange daises.
ooooh, such pretties! love the tea cup/tea pot fabric. actually, i love them all. you are like your own fabric museum!
Do you have a fabric mill in your backyard??? I swear, you find the cutest never-before-seen fabrics!
I love, love, love your hexagon purse! Your are sooooo clever! I love it!
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